Some of the best adventures haven't happened yet.....Keep on sailing......

02 May 2017
02 May 2017 | My late Dad - an enthusiastic caver - would have been in his element here
02 May 2017
02 May 2017
02 May 2017
02 May 2017 | Dubsy and Stiletto
02 May 2017 | Andreas and Dubsy go rowing! That could be a song?!!
02 May 2017 | And then it was all gone!!!
22 April 2017
22 April 2017 | Alderney "international" Airport
22 April 2017 | The Swinge from the beach
22 April 2017 | The Swinge from the cliff top
22 April 2017 | The sill - Stiletto is just in sight on the right
22 April 2017 | Timothy and Shane's motor yacht
22 April 2017 | Timothy and Shane
22 April 2017 | Jethou Island
22 April 2017 | Herm with Jethou Island in the background
22 April 2017 | Herm harbour
22 April 2017 | The harbour on Herm Island with the hotel in the background
22 April 2017 | Stiletto at anchor on Herm Island

Peloponnese - Wrapping up 2024

19 November 2024
Jane Paulson
There is no denying it has been " one helluva of a year" and I personally feel that my patience has been stretched to the absolute limit. We seem to have spent weeks " waiting".

Having our wings clipped and not being able to go far has been trying, but we made the best of a difficult season and although we didn't go far, we still managed some good sailing and discovered some lovely bays, anchorages and tavernas. We visited 3 islands - Dhokos, Hydra and Spetses.

We had one horrendous storm during which we both thought Stiletto would capsize and we would die. Torrential rain and 60 knot winds. I have never, ever felt so scared.

The month of August was blisteringly hot with record highs of 42°C and sea temperatures reaching 36° C. You just have to give in, swim and lie in the shade.

We were also able to spend a lot of time with Aunt Koula and Cousin Joyce which was a real plus.
The medical attention Andreas has received has been absolutely fantastic. Urology, Cardiology and Diabetes specialists and not forgetting the torture sessions with Dr. Andreas. CT scans and Ultrasounds. All easily available, no waiting weeks for a appointment and very inexpensive. The UK can learn a lot.

With Stiletto out of the water, we rented the apartment again in Kilada for 3 days while we put her to bed for the winter. Always a lot to think about and we take our time and check, check and check again that everything is closed ( windows and hatches), shut off (gas, water and fuel) and tied down on deck. That all done and we left for the drive to Athens where Andreas had an appointment with a Cardiologist and we were due to meet up with Joyce and Kosmas for supper.

The drive home to the UK was easy. A midnight ferry departure from Patras to Venice arriving 34 hours later is the perfect time to unwind. We have a cabin for 2 nights and sit out on deck soaking up the last of the Greek sunshine (and someone else is checking the wind and sea conditions and the Captain was a female!!! )

Once in Venice we drive to Lyon through the Frejus tunnel. As it was a Sunday the roads were quiet. The Italians are 'push on" drivers and don't hang about . That night at a hotel then on to Caen. The French roads are a joy. We take the toll roads as they are in F1 racing track condition and for long stretches there is no-one in front or behind. We literally have the road to ourselves. Overnight in Caen and then the ferry to Portsmouth and a 25 minute drive to our bijoux bolt hole.


My thoughts for this post: Its been a trying year but we've got through it - we're still loved up and still married and already talking about next season !!!

Peloponnese - Wrapping up 2024

19 November 2024
Jane Paulson
Our cruising ground for this year. Hopefully we will get further afield next season.

Peloponnese - Wrapping up 2024

19 November 2024
Jane Paulson
Sun rises and sunsets. Each one makes you feel good to be alive. We will never tire of either.

Peloponnese - Wrapping up 2024

19 November 2024
Jane Paulson
Dear friends Vaso ,Theo and Astipálaia invited us to their home for a BBQ just before we left. We had no idea that the views from their balcony were so stunning. Their home is right on the top of the highest point in the area with panoramic views of the Sironic Gulf in one direction and the Argolic Gulf in the other.

Peloponnese - Wrapping up 2024

19 November 2024
Jane Paulson
This is our A – Z of Greece:
A is for Alpha, Athens, Acropolis and Adventure
• Alpha beer, Andreas' favourite is a classic Greek lager , served ice cold is perfect for the Greek summer.
• Athens – the city that has grown so fast and just keeps on growing as the Acropolis looks down on the sprawling landscape.
• This is the 8th year of our Adventure, the 6th cruising in Greece.

B is for Blue, Beaches, Bazooki and Bureaucracy
• Blue skies and blue water. When a cloud, very occasionally arrives in the beautiful endless blue sky we are quite miffed!. The sea goes from the colour of dark blue ink to azure blue to stunning turquoise. We never tire of either.
• Beaches with long stretches of golden sand that run for miles and miles and tiny bays with a beach just big enough for two .
• Bazooki – its distinct musical sound is the soundtrack of Greece.
• Bureaucracy - the Greeks have made this an intellectual art form, understood only by themselves.

C is for Cicadas, Caique, Chapels and Cemeteries
• The sound of hundreds of Cicadas will be one of my everlasting memories of Greece. Its hard to understand how such a tiny creature can make so much noise.
• The beautiful chapels and cemeteries leave me wanting to be buried here looking out to sea. The chapels are adorned with beautiful icons. The cemeteries are bright and colourful, decorated with lots of artificial flowers.
• The many exquisitely colourful caiques (small sturdy fishing boats) bring back hair raising memories for Andreas.

D is for Dolphins and Dogs
• We squeal with pure delight when we see dolphins. We feel very privileged when they play around the bow and come alongside, turn their heads to make eye contact and disappear as quickly as they arrived.
• It doesn't matter where we are; a tiny remote island with just a handful of inhabitants or close to a major town, there is always a barking dog !!!

E is for Easy living and energy efficiency
• Our life is simple and easy. We live in a small space. We don't need half the ‘stuff' we think, or are indeed led to believe we need. We live very comfortably. We want for nothing. We have solar panels and a wind generator so we can produce our own power. We have small solar panels designed to charge up our mobiles. We have learnt to live with very little and it is very empowering.

F is for Ferries, Friends and Feta
• Ferries – big ones, small ones, fast ones, superfast ones. There is always one to be seen on the water. They have transformed island to island travel and now that we drive to and from the UK we really enjoy the experience of putting the car on one and letting the ferry take the strain.
• We have met many people on this adventure. Some have just come and gone. Others we treasure and will remain friends forever – in particular Vaso, Theo and Apostolia. Other friends have made the effort and visited us.
• Feta – goats cheese – a classic Greek food, fried (Saganaki) or crumbled into a salad dressed with oregano and olive oil.

G is for Goats and Gyro
• There is something very hypnotic about the tinkling of goat bells and the sound will be another everlasting memory. I hear them early in the morning but often struggle to see them as they seem to blend so well into the background.
• Ahhhhh, the Greek Gyro. Spit roasted pork or chicken, onion, lettuce, tomato, fries and tzatziki, all wrapped up in a pitta bread. Exceptional. Greek street food at its best.

H is for History and Horta
• Greece is absolutely steeped in history. There are some stunning architectural sites, most of which are well tended and preserved. Others are forgotten and overgrown. I can't help but think that the Greeks don't fully get just how amazing their country is. Weather, beaches, beautiful islands, culture, history, food.....
• Horta. Basically a dish of local weeds, hand picked and then slow cooked to within a inch of its life and served with lemon juice and olive oil. Sounds horrid. Tastes divine.

I is for Islands and Ikaria
• There is no such thing as a typical Greek island. Each has its own distinctive personality, history, architecture and flora.
• One of our favourites is Ikaria not only for the family history that it holds but simply because it is beautiful with its radioactive hot springs, forests, lakes and rivers.

J is for Just In Time
• The Greek answer to everything - “ it will be done /ready" just in time.

K is for Kaliméra, Kalispéra, Kalinychta
• Three important Greek words. Good morning, good afternoon and goodnight. You will always get a welcoming greeting whether in a shop, a cafè or a taverna. The Greek people are very polite.

L is for Lush and Loukamades
• Believe it or not, some islands are very lush and very green. Ikaria has beautiful pine forests with lakes, streams and waterfalls. Other islands are lush with green trees that look remarkably like heads of broccoli and are so dense you feel as though you could walk on them!
• Andreas would walk to the ends of the earth for Loukamades. A very traditional dessert dripping in honey and cinnamon.

M is for Moussaka, Music and Meltemi
• Moussaka - my top favourite traditional Greek dish. Slow cooked , soft aubergine and a rich meat sauce and a creamy white topping......Yumbo.
• Music – traditional Greek music just makes me want to get up and dance.
• Meltemi – the North easterly wind that blows throughout most of Greece during the summer. It does keep you cool, can give great sailing but can also be a big pain in the butt !!!

N is for Night
• Night skies. When anchored off a tiny island with no light pollution we see thousands of diamonds in the sky. It is a wondrous sight and my question is always “there have to be others ‘out there', surely”?

O is for Ouzo and Olives
• I've become a real fan of Ouzo -a dry anise flavoured aperitif, served over lots of ice and with mezes (usually small fresh fish, fries, olives and feta).
• Olives – big fat juicy olives from Kalamata are my absolute favourite.

P is for Pastries and Paniyeris
• Oh dear, the pastries. They are our down fall. Bougatsa, galatabouriko, tiropita, cakes, bread....... the Greeks just love sweet treats so the temptation is humungous!!! We try to be good – honest!!!
• A Paniyeri is a festival that takes place in the town or village square. It starts at around 7pm and continues until 7am. Flowing red wine, spit roasted goat, salads and bread. Greek music and Greek dancing with an amazing atmosphere. Generally the festival is to celebrate annual saints days of which there are very many!!.

Q is for Quay
• Not a great fan of being tied up on a quay. They are usually busy, noisy and we are sure our cockroach invasion was from time spent on Patmos Town Quay. Having said that, sometimes they are all that is available when we need water and supplies.

R is for Rugged
• By complete contrast to the lush islands, there are some that are very majestic and equally as beautiful. Steep, rugged sides, plunging straight down into the sea and hardly any vegetation at all.

S is for Sunshine, Sunrise, Sunsets, Smells and Sparrows
• We never tire of the wall to wall sunshine or the sunsets that make you feel good to be alive. Watching the colours of the sky change from yellow, to orange, to pink and then red as the sun sets is another memory that will stay with me forever.
• After a day of sailing in open water, we can detect the Smell of Humanity when about 2 miles from shore. Its usually a foody smell!!!
• Sparrows, in the UK were seriously on the decline a few years ago. Here in Greece they are very much alive and kicking in huge numbers. Due to the plentiful crumbs left by diners in the tavernas and cafes.

T is for Turtles and Tamerisk
• We get very excited when we spot a turtle. Unlike dolphins they don't want to play. They just surface, stick their head above the water and then just disappear. They have been a daily sight while we have been in Kilada bay and will come very close to the boat.
• The Tamerisk tree will be found along many beaches, offering much needed shade from the hot sun . I had one in my garden in South Wales and have every intention of planting one in the garden of wherever we end up when our Big Adventure ends.

U is for Umbrellas and Unfinished projects
• Where there are umbrellas dotted along a beach there will be lots of people and lots of noise. Guaranteed!
• Greece is littered with half finished projects. We could not understand why until a local taxi driver explained they were built without a licence and the authorities ordered all works to stop until the correct paperwork was applied for and issued. In some cases this process took years !!!

V is for Vassoliki
• Vassoliki, Andreas’ mum. I think of her often and wonder how she really felt swapping Athens and Ikaria for Reform Street in Battersea. I guess that's what love is really all about. I so wish I had met her.

W is for Water
• We have seen water that is as crystal clear as gin. Where you can see every grain of sand on the bottom despite being anchored in 5 metres and you just HAVE to jump in and join the fish swimming around the boat. It is also the most treasured commodity and you simply do not waste it.

X is for Xerokambos
• I just love the bay of Xerokambos on the island of Leros. I would live there.

Y is for Yassass, Yammas and Yaya
• Yassass - Another important, although informal, Greek word used to say hello or goodbye.
• Yammas – quite simply is “cheers".
• Yaya – grandmother. The backbone of Greece and the islands. Wherever you go you will see them. Usually dressed in black. Always smiling, cheerful and loving.

Z is for Zzzzzzzzzzzz
• Snoozing in the shade of the cockpit or under a Tamerisk tree on the beach. Its hard to beat. The afternoon siesta is still a big part of Greek life, more so in the summer. Its the only way to cope with the intense heat.

Peloponnese - Kiladhia

07 November 2024
Jane Paulson
Sods law that lift out day was very windy. We got the call at 11.20am on our radio to make our way to the travel hoist. Up with the anchor and we made our way to the channel and the red and green buoys that mark it. The channel itself is dredged. The approach isn't and at one point Andreas saw the depth of just 0.3m under our keel. Then once passed the buoys the channel is 2m deep.
The wind was pushing us in and on to the quay but once I had thrown lines to the waiting staff we were secure. Then, the anxiety really starts as we watch Stiletto being lifted in the slings, put on to the waiting cradle and then very slowly moved to her winter slot.

Vessel Name: Stiletto
Vessel Make/Model: Bavaria 33 Cruiser
Hailing Port: Gosport, UK
Crew: Andreas Giles & Jane Paulson
We have been sailing together for 18 years and have owned Stiletto for 16 of them. We have exhausted the Solent and the UK South Coast and all the other usual passages: West Country, France, Channel Islands etc. that are available from our home port of Gosport. [...]