3 months in FP!!
02 April 2011 | Hiva Oa
Paulie/ Rainy humid
Hi all! Sorry, much to my pleasant surprise, I was wrong on the amount of time we can spend in the French Polynesian Islands. We have 3 months rather than 1 month. I actually knew that, but had slip;>) count it as an old age thingy! Anyway, that should give us a little more time to explore these Islands. We are going on a tour of Hiva Oa Monday morning and, we hope, it should be a good one. We asked for a FULL tour for all around the Island. There is a lot to see and we are excited to get to tour it. Anyway, will post pictures and an update after we get back. We plan on leaving Hiva Oa Tuesday Morning and heading for Fata Hiva.
'til then