Sue's Sailing Blog

08 December 2008 | Freport, Bahamas
29 November 2008 | Freeport, Bahamas
22 November 2008 | Freeport, Bahamas
21 November 2008 | Freeport Bahamas


29 November 2008 | Freeport, Bahamas
Canadians and Bahamians eating Mexican food.

All four of us were waiting for a bus one day about a week ago to go shopping. Our bikes are great but sometimes we want to go places that are too far away. A lady in a car stopped to pick someone else up who was also waiting at the stop. She offered to give us a ride too. Her name is Nichola. Turns out, she is a very bright Christian. She drove us all around town and even brought us to her work. She owns a pet grooming service and a pet store. She took us to her business to pick up one of the little dogs to return it to its owner. While we were there, Glenn had a long chat with the veterinarian. He is a proper Welshman. The vet feels he is too much of a Scientist to accept Christianity. Nicky has been sharing with him about the Lord for a long time and was happy that Glenn could talk to him too. He was a good example to Glenn of the quote by Louis Pasteur, "A little Science estranges man from God but a lot of Science brings him back to God". Not the exact quote but close to it. We are hoping to get an apologetics book to him.

Nicky invited us for American Thanksgiving dinner at her home. Her extended family, friends, and some people from her church came too. There were tons of people and tons of food. We had; turkey, ham, white rice with conch, brown rice with conch, rice and peas (which actually look like beans), sweet potatoes, coleslaw, potato salad, corn pudding, Mac and cheese (which we have found is usually cut out of a pan like you would cut a piece of cake - we had it at a church lunch too), collard greens (spicy and very yummy), meatballs, banana cake, and coconut cake. We really felt like we had a Bahamian Feast! They made loads so everyone could fill plates to take home with them too.

We were the only white people there. The kids kept feeling Jacquie and Ben's hair. When they spoke to us, we could understand them perfectly well but when they spoke to each other, we had trouble. One of the young girls told Jacquie "We don't speak proper". They kept trying to get Jacquie to copy their speech. She was a little embarrassed but had lots of fun. Jacquie wants us to invite Nicky and her family to the boat. Our boat is tiny though and I don't even really know how many people stay at Nicky's house. There were about 15 toothbrushes in the bathroom!

We have met a family at the apartments in front of our marina. They happen to go to the same Baptist Church as Nicky does. We think we may visit their church. Both Nicky and Patrice have offered to drive us wherever we would like to go on the island. Patrice picked Jacquie and me up one day on our way to the bus stop (It's O.K. Dad we already knew her). At the end of the day, she happened to be at the same grocery store we were at and drove us home too. Our kids play with Patrice's children. Michael is 14 and Mia is 7. Ben has gone to Michael's drum practice a few times and really enjoyed it.

Glenn has been doing a lot of one on one street evangelism but no preaching yet. There is something called island time here. Nothing seems to be done very fast. He has made contacts with a few church folk (from the original church we made contact with) who are interested in teaming up but nothing has materialized yet. Sometimes I wonder where my place is in all this. I remember as a very young teenager writing in the back of my bible "Where he sends I will go". I am not a vocal person though and have trouble striking conversations up with people. I am hoping to get some training in "Open Air Campaigners". You draw a huge picture on a canvas and people gather around to watch. As you are drawing, you tell a gospel message. I think this may be a way I can be more involved. It would be especially great to use with kids. My heart is with kids too.

Glenn, Jacquie, Ben, Michael and Mia have just gone off for a ride in the dingy. They have brought a fishing rod with them. So far we have not been very good at catching fish but maybe Michael will do well. Anyway, I don't have much faith so I'm going to start making supper.

Please send comments on the blog. I really enjoy that. If you don't want them to be public, I won't post them. We've had some vile hate comments (because of our Gospel message) so we pre-approve what is posted.

Vessel Name: SeawingI
Vessel Make/Model: Gulfstar Auxillary 41'
Hailing Port: Edmonton, Alberta
Crew: Glenn, Sue, Jacquie & Ben Heslop
About: The Heslop Family!
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Sue's Profile

Who: Glenn, Sue, Jacquie & Ben Heslop
Port: Edmonton, Alberta