Sunbow's Off Sailing

Chris White Designs Atlantic 46 MK2 Catamaran


Who: John Kremski & Sharon Del Bianco
Port: Fort Myers, FL
Since late 2007 we have been enjoying the cruising life aboard Sunbow, every day is an adventure. As always thanks to her builders & original owners, Ken & Judith, for creating such a fine cruising boat.
10 August 2012 | USA; NC, Oriental to Ocracoke
08 August 2012 | USA; NC, Jarrett Bay to Oriental
23 July 2012 | USA; NC, Beaufort to Jarrett Bay Boat Yard
18 July 2012 | USA; SC, Charleston to NC, Beaufort
16 July 2012 | USA; SC, Charleston to NC, Beaufort
11 July 2012 | USA; FL, St. Augustine to SC, Charleston
03 July 2012 | USA, FL, Ft. Lauderdale to St. Augustine
01 July 2012 | USA, FL, Biscayne Key to Ft. Lauderdale
30 June 2012 | USA, FL, Rodriquez Key to Biscayne Key
29 June 2012 | USA, FL, Long Key to Rodriquez Key
28 June 2012 | USA, FL, Marathon to Long Key
16 May 2012 | USA, FL, New Found Harbor to Marathon
15 May 2012 | USA, FL, Key West to New Found Harbor
11 May 2012 | USA, FL, Key West
08 May 2012 | Mexico, Isla Mujeres to USA, FL, Key West
07 May 2012 | Mexico, Isla Mujeres to USA, FL, Key West
06 May 2012 | Mexico, Isla Mujeres to USA, FL, Key West
05 May 2012 | Mexico, Isla Mujeres to USA, FL, Key West
19 April 2012 | Mexico, Cancun
17 April 2012 | Mexico, Isla Mujeres

Sunday- Mama's Royal Café, Alexander's & Cabo Wabo Cantina

24 February 2008 | Mexico- Cabo San Lucas
Sunny, warm, gentle breeze
More eating and drinking today, it seems no one wants to cook on the boat when there are 1,000 restaurants in town. We started the day at reportedly the best breakfast spot, Mama's Royal Café where the waiters shirt slogan is "Don't tell my mother I'm a time share salesman, she thinks I'm a piano player in a strip club" or something to that effect poking fun at the thousands of time share salesmen that accost you on the streets of Cabo. The restaurant was in the art district so we poked around there for our after meal walk, we went by the Catholic church but did not have a camera. It's my goal to get a picture of every church we come across, they are very important buildings in the Mexican culture. For dinner we took the advice of our marina slip neighbor and went to Alexander's where we had chateaubriand for two at $40 US, it was wonderful.

Next on the itinery was a stop at Sammy Haggar's (of Montrose and Val Halen fame) Cabo Wabo Cantina. The music was great both that played by the disc jockey and later the live band, also more of our era than at El Squid Roe a few nights earlier. We lost Norma and Bill after the first live set but I wasn't able to drag John home until the next band break. I will say again the dancing was entertaining, all the bars in town encourage table, platform and pole dancing by the customers.

Vessel Name: Sunbow
Vessel Make/Model: Chris White Design Atlantic 46 LR Catamaran
Hailing Port: Fort Myers, FL
Crew: John Kremski & Sharon Del Bianco
Although mid-westerners by birth we call the southwest gulf coast of Florida our "home port". John has been sailing since he was six while Sharon is a novice by comparision with only 17 years behind a boat wheel. [...]
Extra: We started cruising full time in November of 2007. It was a rough start with lots of adjustments but after about 2 years we got our "sea legs" for the lifestyle. It´s hard now to imagine any other home than being in Sunbow on the water.


Who: John Kremski & Sharon Del Bianco
Port: Fort Myers, FL
Since late 2007 we have been enjoying the cruising life aboard Sunbow, every day is an adventure. As always thanks to her builders & original owners, Ken & Judith, for creating such a fine cruising boat.
The definition of a "sunbow" is ...... a rainbow-like display of colors resulting from refraction of sunlight through a spray of water...rainbow, moonbow & sunbow!