Sailing Sunnyside

Adventures from the crew of Sunnyside!

Bouncy Ride Through Current Cut

We were up at 7 am. Mark checked the weather. Today was East Wind 5-6 knots and the tide was approaching high. Mark hauled anchor at 8:30 and we motor/sailed over. It was very flat water in the Current Cut.

There was lots of swirling eddies to motor through. We waited to get through the cut before hoisting the main sail. The wind was on the nose as we motor\sailed to Twin Sisters Beach, off Golding Cay Point, which is protected from the East wind.

We arrived at 10:30 am and dropped anchor off Twin Sisters Beach. We launched the dinghy and headed to the Glass Window Bridge. It was hit by a rouge wave and moved 7 feet in 1991. It has since been rebuilt. It was an interesting site from the water side.

Then we dinghied to Twin Sisters Beach and pulled the dinghy up on shore. We walked the beach looking for a path to the Queens Hiway, which was not far away. We found the path and walked out to the street and across. We saw the sign for the Queen's Bath and followed the rocky train out to the shoreline. We climbed up and down rocks with sand in-between. A tourist told us that the actual Queen's Bath was around the corner.

There were three others with him looking over the rock edge. It was an impressive site at low tide. The waves were crashing into the high rock edge and at high tide water the crashing waves fill the pool area.

We climbed back up and followed the path back to the beach where our dinghy was waiting for us. We headed back to the boat around noon. I cooked lunch and joined a short call. Mark and I took a rest.

Our anchorage would be perfect if the waves were from the same direction as the wind. It's coming from the side and rocking Sunnyside. The sun hid behind clouds, or we would have gone snorkeling. Instead, we took the dinghy for a ride around the area. The next beach, Cove South, had at least 4 boats anchored and they looked to be rocking too. We took the dinghy back to Twin Sisters Beach and took a short walk.

Then, we dinghied back to Sunnyside and hoisted the dinghy in the davits. Mark tried to offset the wind/wave motion, by putting a line on the anchor chain and pulling it to the side of the boat. It did reduce the rocking motion.

The water is breathtakingly beautiful when the sun is shining. There are so many shades of colors. The breeze is definitely cooling.

We plan to continue sailing South on Eleuthera to Hatchet's Bay Harbour, which will only take 1.5 hour. It's 2 hour to Rainbow Cay. Not sure yet how far we will go.
