Poppy's Offshore Challenge

Follow the sailing vessel "Poppy" on her world class tour.

25 September 2018
13 August 2017 | Moorea Is., French Polynesia
31 July 2017 | Bora Bora Is., French Polynesia
11 July 2017 | Tiputa Pass, Rangiroa Is, The Tuamotos, French Polynesia
05 July 2017 | Hakahau Bay, Oa Pou Is, The Marquesas, French Polynesia
05 July 2017 | Hakahau Bay, Oa Pou Is, The Marquesas, French Polynesia
02 July 2017 | Nuku Hiva Is, The Marquesas, French Polynesia
17 June 2017 | Tahuata Is, The Marquesas, French Polynesia
08 June 2017 | Traitor's Bay, Hiva Oa, French Polynesia
23 May 2017 | At Sea
19 May 2017 | At Sea
17 May 2017 | Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico
07 May 2017 | Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico
26 March 2017 | La Paz, BCS, Mexico
22 March 2017 | La Paz, BCS, Mexico
02 February 2017 | Marina Palmira, La Paz, BCS, Mexico
29 January 2017 | Marina Palmira, La Paz, BCS, Mexico
22 January 2017 | La Paz, BCS, Mexico

Fare thee well Poppyboat

25 September 2018
My dear friends it looks like the Poppyboat will soon be sold to some fine folks who will take up the Grand Voyage. Perhaps they will continue on from Tahiti, a fresh new crew with great enthusiasm. Details to follow...

We still have a love of salt spray, the roll of the ocean, and deep respect for the immense power of nature.

We shall be sharing the next Great Adventure to come...

Cook's Bay

13 August 2017 | Moorea Is., French Polynesia
Suzanne Patrick
Hi Gang,

The beauty and tranquility of this place is phenomenal. Pictures and comments to follow...


31 July 2017 | Bora Bora Is., French Polynesia
Suzanne Patrick
Photos to come from this island paradise...

Tahiti, the Polynesian HUB

20 July 2017
Arrived Papeete, Tahiti Saturday morning around 2:30 am. Navigated the channel by night (a couple of markers without lights!) past the airport about 5 miles south of Papeete proper. Here at the Marina Taina moorings - there are a "bunch" of boats here, and the typical Dinghy Bar Restaurant

Mooring at Anchorage "A", looking toward Marina Taina, Punauuia, Tahiti:

Looking North, toward the airport:

At the Dinghy Bar, La Casa Bianca Restaurant, with Jim Mauldin:

In the distance... Moorea - maybe our next island stop after touring the Tahiti anchorages:


11 July 2017 | Tiputa Pass, Rangiroa Is, The Tuamotos, French Polynesia
Suzanne Patrick
Well we made it to the Tuamotos :D Will be checking out the local scene tomorrow...

Suz Jim Katrin

A Downwind Leg - The Marquesas to the Tuamotus

05 July 2017 | Hakahau Bay, Oa Pou Is, The Marquesas, French Polynesia
Suzanne Patrick

Well, we'll probably be on a broad reach all the way to Rangiroa, in the Tuamotus for the next 4 to 6 days. The dinghy is on the davits, the outboard is back on the rack, and the gas tank is stowed away too. The 10 day forecast for weather looks good for the trip, and we are eager to get started on this 565 mile leg of our 750 mile trip to Tahiti. We fueled up with diesel in Nuku Hiva and have spent the last couple of nights here in Ua-Pou (Wa-Poo) and consumed copius quantities of Chow Mein at the local Snack Shack :D

Catch up with you Downwind/Downrange.

Cheers!~ Suz Jim Katrin
Vessel Name: Poppy
Vessel Make/Model: Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 45
Hailing Port: San Francisco, CA
Crew: Suzanne Patrick
About: Retired accountant, broke-down blues/rock-n-roll keyboard player, with ties to the San Francisco Bay Area and San Diego, CA.
Poppy's Photos - Fatu-Hiva
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Added 23 July 2017