Confessions of a Runaway Sailor
01 February 2022 | Barra de Navidad
Terri Potts-Chattaway
My happy husband at the helm.
January 17, 2022
I have a book to finish writing. Instead, I sit in the cockpit with a cup of tea contemplating the Magnificent Frigatebirds that soar overhead. They are jet black and look prehistoric with their wide wing span and forked tails. Females have a white breast. They are so graceful, barely moving their wings and steer with their tails. But they are thieves! Magnificent Frigatebirds don’t have waterproof wings so they wait and watch other birds until they catch a fish and then the Magnificent Frigatebirds swoop in and take it from them. They are fascinating to watch and I lose track of time.
January 23, 2022
I have a book to finish writing. Instead, I count the turtles as they peak their tiny heads up out of the sea. Most are green turtles that are predominant in this area. We are sailing south and there is a sea turtle refuge nearby and it looks as if it is working. I counted twenty-five. Our destination this year is Barra de Navidad. But first we will visit several coves. Next is Chamela Bay, one of our favorites.
January 27, 2022
It is now day seven of our cruise. We have been anchored in Chamela Bay for four nights. The rhythm of my life is considerably slower and I can feel it in every fiber of my being. It is a great feeling; to just be. There are chores, of course. And everything on a boat tends to be complicated. We use every muscle in our bodies and I’m sore from what we call boat yoga. The sun is hot on my skin. But then I jump off the boat into the crystal-clear water and cool off. I climb up onto the paddleboard that is tied to the stern of Cadenza and drift, swaying with the gentle waves.
February 1, 2002
We are now in the marina at Barra de Navidad. I have a book to finish writing. Instead, I am writing this blog. From here, I may have to find my way to the pool. It is a hot and beautiful day. I could work on my book but... I think it will have to wait until spring.