Day 28 - Last night at sea!
08 April 2024 | 100 miles Northeast of Hiva Oa
Kirk Groehnert | Mostly cloudy, 82F

Finally, we are approaching the end of our long journey to get to French Polynesia across this massive ocean. We will have done about 3700 miles which is significantly longer than it would be straight line(3,300 miles) from our starting point, El Salvador. That's because we can't always sail the direction we want due to weather and wind.
They say this is the longest trip a sailor can do without seeing land. Most boats leave from Puerto Vallarta, about a week shorter, but only one other boat left from El Salvador.
We have heard that the harbor we are planning to set anchor in and check in at, is crowded with other yachts so we are, by no means, the only people doing this. Some people even bring their kids and home school them.
We expect arrive around noon tomorrow. After we find a spot to anchor, we will need to clean things up on the boat and take a much needed rest. The following day (Wednesday) we will check in and explore the town a little and eat at a restaurant.
It will be nice to walk on dry land for the first time in 30 days. We wonder how it will feel.
Last night was the first night we have not had a squall since before crossing the equator. We hope tonight will be another squall-free night.