Arrival Day!
09 April 2024 | Hiva Oa, Atuona Bay
Kirk Groehnert | Rainy

Well, today was the big day, the day we arrive after nearly a month at sea. Weather was not as good as we hoped, raining on and off the entire day. Still, we managed to take a nap after anchoring, get our dinghy in the water, and take a little walk on land. It felt like the land was moving :)
We came back to the boat and it was so humid (not terribly hot tho) that we had to start up the a/c for a while and take a nice shower. It'll be bed time soon and we both get to sleep together again, in the same bed. Nice.
Tomorrow we have to go check in so I spent about an hour printing stuff and getting paperwork in order. This place is so crowded with boats it makes us nervous so we can't stay here long. It's amazing how many people are doing this exact same thing! Too many!
While I was getting paperwork in order for tomorrow, Crystal was busy trying to find where we are going next. There are lots of anchorages that look really nice. We are excited to go explore these islands.
We plan to stay in the Marquesas for about two to three weeks depending on how much we like it. After that, It's the Tuamota Islands which are the supposed to be idyllic crystal clear coral atolls.
Thank you everyone, for your support. It makes our trip more fun and hopefully you enjoy reading about our adventures which have only just begun as we island hop our way to Fiji and New Zealand.
By the way, in the picture you will see how filthy our boat got during the voyage! That is actually algae growing up the sides from heeling so long!