Barnacle Busting
18 April 2010 | Marina Riviera de Nayarit
This is my second try at a blog post today. In spite of Latitude 38 extolling the virtues of the Tel-Cel aircard the performance here in La Cruz is abysmal. So the nice blog post I put together got lost due to the flaky connection.
Today I was knocking growth off the bottom with what you see in the photo. Yes that's a 20 peso spatula from the Wednesday market tie wrapped to a boat hook. And it works quite well. I didn't want to get in the marina water.
In other news we hope to actually get out of here this week. We may brave the bugs and visit some friends in San Blas or dip south. The plan has always been not to have one. We'll spend some time in the anchorage so I can finish the bottom cleaning, especially the prop. Looks like we may need a new zinc on the rudder. We should be provisioned after tomorrow so we'll have some pics and news from somewhere new soon.