Another story involving bells
16 March 2011 | Unfortunately not in San Blas where I last wrote about bells
Bells. As in wedding bells. Yes Jean and I are tying the knot. Exact details to be determined. Summer 2012. A beach. Central Cal a strong possibility. Like so many of our other plans, it will evolve.
This journey began in 1969 when Jean and I first met. You've heard of people marrying their high school sweethearts, right? We met in kindergarten. We became best friends as kids and stayed close until 1977 when Jean and her family moved to a small town in Northern California near Redding.
20 year elapsed before we saw each other again. We were both in other relationships and socialized as couples for about 10 years.
Our other relationships shifted over a similar timeframe and we became a couple in 2007.
We'll post more details as we discover them.
About the picture - This was taken in Lankawi, Malaysia in 2008 on our way to visit friends in the "Hole in the Wall" anchorage. It was a very special Valentines Day.