Voyage prep
06 March 2013
With the intent to depart once again for the welcoming waters of Mexico this fall, preparations are underway. One thing we're doing is some interior beautification. The 1970's look is slowly ebbing away. The avocado green and burnt orange floors in the heads are now Hatteras Off White. We're replacing some of the upholstery, starting with the original French House of Ill Repute Red cushions in the forepeak which is our guest cabin.
When the boat was re-rigged in 2004 for the previous owner by a prominent Alameda boatyard, the rigging department was staffed by morons who had no business rigging an El Toro much less an Amel. San Diego rigger Chris Catteron remedied the worst of it a few years ago but I'm at the point now where I'm thinking about just pulling the sticks and making it all right.
I'm planning some sailplan mods and to add one of our Island Planet Sails CLASS (Cruisers Light Air Sail Solution) to the mix. We run the twins downwind and the boat pretty much flies (relative to other cruising boats) but the CLASS would give us a lot of horsepower in the close reaching to broad reaching range. One thing I have to figure out is how I'm going to rig the foil-less furler.
This week we're servicing winches and the windlass while our friend Jeremy of Avocet is visiting. Good times!