The Bird and the Bees
19 April 2010
We arrived in La Paz this afternoon, April 19. We had a wonderful stay in Mazatlan. On the 12 we crossed the Sea of Cortez to Los Muertos. It only took one night. We went on to Bahia San Gabriel on Espiritu Santo (just 18 miles outside La Paz). It's a beautiful island with a large white sand beach. The water is such a pretty shade of blue with visibility to about 30 feet. We'd been here before and really enjoyed it.
While we were there we decided to get the dinghy inflated and in the water. We do passages with it secured to the top of the boat with the motor on the back. There was a little brown and white bird with a black head that was enjoying watching us work. (In looking in our bird book it looked like a Lapland Longspur.) It would sit on the rails and lifelines watching us. Sugar even enjoyed it. I had been working in the sail lazarette when Dave called me forward to help with the dinghy. When I returned the bird was gone, but only out of my sight. Next thing I knew it was flying out of the lazarette. It perched on the steering wheel and continued to watch. I was called forward again. The bird watched me go. When I returned I had to get something from down below. As I walked down the stairs there sat the bird on the table. It seemed to like it here. I wasn't so sure I wanted a bird flying loose in the cabin so went to shoe it outside. Instead of going out the door it went into the forward bedroom and was having quite a time with the "bird in the mirror" at the head of the bed. I came in and opened the window over the top of the bed and got the bird outside. It went to the front of the boat where it continued watching us work. As we finished up the bird had flown away. We put everything away and headed down below for lunch. Here was the bird again sitting on the table. I guess he wanted lunch too. I had forgotten to close one of the screens on the window over the table. After it watched us a moment it decided to fly on home and left through the window. Dave said it really made sense that the bird had been here and was surprised that we hadn't had more being as we are the Happy Nest.
Later that day as I was preparing dinner we were descended upon by a horde of bees. They flew in through the door and surrounded me in the "kitchen". These bees are not real aggressive but they are bothersome. I shoed as many as I could out the door and then closed everything up. There were still several inside. I grabbed my trusty fly swatter and took them on. The bees being rather slow were not too big a challenge. I even got so I could hit them while they were flying in mid-air. They strike the floor dazed where they were no match for my fly swatter. I counted 22 bees that met there end but could still hear buzzing. There were lots outside the door and window still. Dave decided to be my protector and took control of the fly swatter. A bee would come in through the louver in the door only to be met with Dave's swift hand. Another 12 hit the dust before it was all over. I guess the word is out. We haven't seen another bee yet.
We are having a great time here. This really is a great way to spend your time exploring new places and meeting new friends.