Journey Aboard Interlude

14 May 2014
02 May 2014
20 April 2014
09 June 2013 | Kekova Roads
25 May 2013 | Ece Saray Marina, Fethiye
18 May 2013 | Kas
17 May 2013 | Kalkan Harbor
13 May 2013 | Tomb Bay, Skopea Limani
05 May 2013 | Ekincik Koyu
29 April 2013 | Marti Marina, Gulf of Hisaronu
25 April 2013 | Kuraca Bucu
23 April 2013
19 April 2013 | Bodrum, Turkey
08 November 2012 | Paris, France
27 October 2012 | Turgutreis Marina
24 October 2012 | Gumusluk
13 October 2012
11 October 2012
10 October 2012 | Amazon Creek (Kuçuk Gunluk Koyu)

Almost Athenians

03 September 2012 | Zea Marina, Piraeus
Dan 27 degrees C, 1014 MB,
We've now been in Athens over 1 week and it looks like it'll be another day or two before we shove off. Our intended two night hotel stay stretched to five but we finally checked out yesterday and are back settled onboard Interlude at Zea Marina.

The longer than expected break allowed Chris & Ty the opportunity to see much of what Athens has to offer at a more relaxed pace. I had to squeeze my tourist time into a five hour window on Saturday when I visited the new Acropolis Museum (opened just 3 years ago) and, of course, the Acropolis itself. The museum is outstanding and I wish I could have lingered longer.

A quick update on our repair list: After four days of work on the engine, we still haven't found the cause of the black smoke. After consulting with the mechanics, I've decided to wave the white flag for now and deal with this after the boat is hauled out for the winter. It's an issue that needs to be dealt with, but running the engine for another 50-100 hours isn't going to make matters worse and I have zero desire to sit in Athens indefinitely while the repair efforts continue. We'll pick up where we left off on this project in 7-8 weeks.

On the AIS repair, a similar outcome. The brand new AIS 650 control unit will remain in Athens for further testing and repair or replacement while we move along. The plan is to send it via ferry to us someplace in the Cyclades Islands in the next few weeks. We've also confirmed that there IS damage to our VHF antenna cable (as I had suspected) so that will need to be replaced at the end of this season as well. I'd like to do it now but projects like that have a way of "snowballing" and I'm worried that what should be a 1/2 day project could become a 3+ day endeavor. I suspect they may have to pull a bunch of new wire simultaneously because space is VERY tight in the conduits that run up the mast. So we'll deal with that in Turkey when we have time.

On the positive side, we were able to get the liferaft serviced, FINALLY reinstalled the swim ladder (after combining the old frame with the new ladder) repaired a bilge bump, repaired a toilet that wouldn't flush (shitty job!) and purchased a bunch of needed spares & supplies. We're also cleaning the teak deck (a project necessitated when the mechanic dribbled engine oil across the deck while removing the oil cooler!) So the past week here hasn't been all for naught.

Chris and I enjoyed a few hours socializing with two other cruising couples last evening ... one from Australia and the other from Minnesota. There are plenty of reasons to avoid marinas, but one of the positives they offer is the opportunity to meet fellow cruisers. It was a fun evening and, since we're all heading in the same general direction, it's quite possible that we'll cross paths again.

The cupboards and refrigerator are empty, so today is provisioning day. We may also need to get a vaccination for Tyler before his late October trip to Thailand and we're hoping the U.S. Embassy can point us in the right direction for that today. I'm also going to get a haircut and try to visit the Greek Maritime Museum which is located here at Zea Marina. Once those items are taken care of, we'll be ready to roll when the weather says "go". It's pretty windy out in the Cyclades right now and the sea state would be fairly uncomfortable given the direction we're heading. So we'll stay put until tomorrow or Wednesday before heading out.
Vessel Name: Interlude
Vessel Make/Model: Discovery 55
Hailing Port: Annapolis, MD
Crew: Dan, Christine & Tyler Rice
After 11 years of sailing primarily in the Apostle Islands of Lake Superior, our family is about to begin a much anticipated sailing adventure in the Mediterranean Sea and beyond! Dan has been preparing for and dreaming of this voyage for years; Tyler has deferred his admission to St. [...]
Hope the way is long. May there be many summer mornings when, with what pleasure, with what joy, you shall enter first-seen harbors... Keep Ithaca always in your mind. Arriving there is what has been ordained for you. But do not hurry the journey at all. Better if it lasts many [...]
Interlude's Photos - Main
This album contains selected best pics from our time in Greece this year.
38 Photos
Created 13 August 2012
19 Photos
Created 16 June 2012
10 Photos
Created 7 April 2012