Journey Aboard Interlude

14 May 2014
02 May 2014
20 April 2014
09 June 2013 | Kekova Roads
25 May 2013 | Ece Saray Marina, Fethiye
18 May 2013 | Kas
17 May 2013 | Kalkan Harbor
13 May 2013 | Tomb Bay, Skopea Limani
05 May 2013 | Ekincik Koyu
29 April 2013 | Marti Marina, Gulf of Hisaronu
25 April 2013 | Kuraca Bucu
23 April 2013
19 April 2013 | Bodrum, Turkey
08 November 2012 | Paris, France
27 October 2012 | Turgutreis Marina
24 October 2012 | Gumusluk
13 October 2012
11 October 2012
10 October 2012 | Amazon Creek (Kuçuk Gunluk Koyu)

Arriving Kos

04 October 2012 | Aegean Sea
Dan 31 degrees C, 1013mb, 8kts WNW
We're about 1 hour from our destination on this 77nm leg from Amorgos to Kos. We left in darkness this morning in order to arrive with plenty of daylight left and perhaps even have time to explore the island a bit. I woke up at 4am and watched the presidential debate before getting the boat ready for our departure. (Still kind of a junkie, I suppose.) The air was absolutely still so I let Ty and Chris remain asleep while I slipped the stern lines and pulled away from the dock, lifting the anchor using the control switch at the helm. The ferry that came in late last night laid its chain over ours, but once I realized that, I was able to lift most of our chain up, then pull the anchor from underneath his chain by backing Interlude up a ways. Blind luck that it actually worked...

I love being out on the water at night. There's serenity and natural beauty that is amplified by the heightened sense of awareness that the situation requires. And with the early dawn comes anticipation... this morning there was a fabulous sunrise as I motored along the jagged NW coast of Amorgos and I felt genuinely privileged to be out there, camera in hand. The photo attached to this entry depicts the scene quite nicely.

The sea has been calm all day except for a gentle, rolling swell from behind us. We've been running at 2100 RPM and averaging nearly 9 knots. Lots of time for reading, organizing photos, playing cards and tidying the boat while underway. The iPod stereo input stopped working a few days ago (a critical systems failure that must be fixed at once!) so we spent the morning listening to a new Greek music CD that we picked up on Amorgos.

And speaking of Amorgos... yesterday was definitely one of our most memorable and enjoyable days so far. I'll post a separate update later with highlights and reflections about our brief time there.

Vessel Name: Interlude
Vessel Make/Model: Discovery 55
Hailing Port: Annapolis, MD
Crew: Dan, Christine & Tyler Rice
After 11 years of sailing primarily in the Apostle Islands of Lake Superior, our family is about to begin a much anticipated sailing adventure in the Mediterranean Sea and beyond! Dan has been preparing for and dreaming of this voyage for years; Tyler has deferred his admission to St. [...]
Hope the way is long. May there be many summer mornings when, with what pleasure, with what joy, you shall enter first-seen harbors... Keep Ithaca always in your mind. Arriving there is what has been ordained for you. But do not hurry the journey at all. Better if it lasts many [...]
Interlude's Photos - Main
This album contains selected best pics from our time in Greece this year.
38 Photos
Created 13 August 2012
19 Photos
Created 16 June 2012
10 Photos
Created 7 April 2012