After 11 years of sailing primarily in the Apostle Islands of Lake Superior, our family is about to begin a much anticipated sailing adventure in the Mediterranean Sea and beyond! Dan has been preparing for and dreaming of this voyage for years; Tyler has deferred his admission to St. [...]Olaf College for a year and is looking forward to this unique educational and developmental life experience; Christine is leaving behind the predictability and comforts of her full and fulfilling life ashore in order to share in the realization of this family adventure.
Hope the way is long.
May there be many summer mornings when,
with what pleasure, with what joy,
you shall enter first-seen harbors...
Keep Ithaca always in your mind.
Arriving there is what has been ordained for you.
But do not hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts many [...]
and you dock an old man on the island,
rich with all that you've gained on the way, not expecting Ithaca to give you wealth.
Ithaca gave you the beautiful journey.
Without her you would not have set out.
She has nothing more to give you.
Excerpts from "Ithaca" by Constantine Cavafy