Just hangin'
26 June 2014 | Whale Bay
I just wanted to check my remote posting abilities here, as I had forgotten to check it before I left on Tuesday. I put out in a south wind and motored out of the Bay, to have a nice sendoff by two pods of Dall porpoise, and spent a few hours reaching and watching the fishing boats come back in from Montague Inlet. But the wind died, and I wound up motoring into Hogg Bay, Port Bainbridge. Never could find the right lure for all the silvers jumping, but I'll keep working on it. I came waaaaay too close to a humpback, as he dove under my boat while I pulled the throttle and went hard to starboard to avoid the collision.
As I headed up into Port Bainbridge, I looked behind me to watch the Dall porpoise and saw a whale's blow. And beyond that another humpy whale was tail slapping. Probably 15 or so times, and was amazing to watch.
I spent the night on a ledge in Hogg Bay, as the other anchorage was full. And I put out in the morning to make the tidal stream through Bainbridge passage. Tons of sea otters, a few small pilot whales, and salmon jumping everywhere. I couldn't stop in the passage, and no big salmon here in Whale Bay that I see.
No whales here either, at least that I see. Otters and a harbor seal. I'm sitting waiting to meet up with a pilot buddy who just happened to be passing by on his kayak trip the same time I was passing through. We'll see if we make contact. Ice drifting by out of Icy Bay. May take the Col. out to explore if I stay here all day.