In Your Dreams

12 February 2017
28 January 2017
06 January 2017
30 August 2016
17 August 2016
03 August 2016
02 May 2016
06 April 2016
13 March 2016
13 October 2014 | Simi Valley, California
18 September 2014 | Astoria, OR
17 September 2014 | lying Astoria, Oregon
14 August 2014 | Fifer Bay, BC, Canadadia
18 July 2014
13 July 2014 | North Sandy Cove, Glacier Bay
03 July 2014 | Inian Cove
03 July 2014 | Inian Cove
26 June 2014 | Whale Bay
18 June 2014
19 April 2014

Just hangin'

26 June 2014 | Whale Bay
I just wanted to check my remote posting abilities here, as I had forgotten to check it before I left on Tuesday. I put out in a south wind and motored out of the Bay, to have a nice sendoff by two pods of Dall porpoise, and spent a few hours reaching and watching the fishing boats come back in from Montague Inlet. But the wind died, and I wound up motoring into Hogg Bay, Port Bainbridge. Never could find the right lure for all the silvers jumping, but I'll keep working on it. I came waaaaay too close to a humpback, as he dove under my boat while I pulled the throttle and went hard to starboard to avoid the collision.

As I headed up into Port Bainbridge, I looked behind me to watch the Dall porpoise and saw a whale's blow. And beyond that another humpy whale was tail slapping. Probably 15 or so times, and was amazing to watch.

I spent the night on a ledge in Hogg Bay, as the other anchorage was full. And I put out in the morning to make the tidal stream through Bainbridge passage. Tons of sea otters, a few small pilot whales, and salmon jumping everywhere. I couldn't stop in the passage, and no big salmon here in Whale Bay that I see.

No whales here either, at least that I see. Otters and a harbor seal. I'm sitting waiting to meet up with a pilot buddy who just happened to be passing by on his kayak trip the same time I was passing through. We'll see if we make contact. Ice drifting by out of Icy Bay. May take the Col. out to explore if I stay here all day.
Vessel Name: In Your Dreams
Vessel Make/Model: Tayana 48
Hailing Port: Seward, Alaska
Crew: Capn Jake
About: Ship callsign: WDF2847. HAM callsign: KL0L. Tender: Col. Vaughan
Extra: Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. -- Theodore Roosevelt, 1899
In Your Dreams's Photos - Main
23 Photos
Created 13 March 2016
18 Photos
Created 18 September 2014
38 Photos
Created 18 July 2014
4 Photos
Created 23 February 2014
3 Photos
Created 4 February 2014
Hong Kong - Kaohsiung - Apra Harbor - Port Allen - Honolulu - Nawilliwilli - Hanalei Bay - Ha'ena - Seward
26 Photos
Created 4 November 2013