In Your Dreams

12 February 2017
28 January 2017
06 January 2017
30 August 2016
17 August 2016
03 August 2016
02 May 2016
06 April 2016
13 March 2016
13 October 2014 | Simi Valley, California
18 September 2014 | Astoria, OR
17 September 2014 | lying Astoria, Oregon
14 August 2014 | Fifer Bay, BC, Canadadia
18 July 2014
13 July 2014 | North Sandy Cove, Glacier Bay
03 July 2014 | Inian Cove
03 July 2014 | Inian Cove
26 June 2014 | Whale Bay
18 June 2014
19 April 2014

Looking like a boat again

12 February 2017

Tunnel light

28 January 2017
Could it be possible that repairs might be coming to completion?


06 January 2017
After months of problems, we now have progress.

The stern pulpit from Tayana had to be remade, as the first pulpit was a ridiculous piece of crap. It should never have been made, nor ordered. Nevertheless, the new unit is here and needs some adjustments. But weather permitting should be on in the next week or two.

The mast is the third mast delivered by Selden. The first two masts were damaged in shipping, as the shipper, Carolina Logistics decided to break the seal cut all the lines and pile the mast sections off to the side while they could put more stuff on the truck and make a little extra money on the side. Problem is, Selden paid for the whole truck, and it's fraud. Not to mention $40K of damage for each of the two masts. Selden tried to change shippers, but only changed shipping brokers. Sure enough, the lowest bid was the cheating, fraudulent Carolina Logistics for the second time.

The third mast is finally in the boat, as the yard had to put me on the back burner and finish other projects. Now, we're in full gear moving forward.


30 August 2016
This is the stern pulpit ordered from Tayana, in Kaohsiung. Note the short legs in the corners, supported by plywood. Note the excessive rake aft. Note the gate with the hinges opposing, meaning it can never be removed.

Problems mean ordering another one, another six weeks before arriving, and the possibility of them screwing it all up again.

I hate problems.

Shipping damage

17 August 2016
Well, after six weeks of waiting for the mast and rigging, the mast was damaged in shipping. So, after some discussion and evaluation, the best course is to get another new mast that ISN'T damaged in shipping.

So, another six weeks.

Shinny paint, shinny mast...

Month five

03 August 2016
For the past three months, I haven't been able to get on the all-too-full flights to get to Portland to see the boat. So I only have photos and invoices from the yard showing progress.

Things are moving forward. It's out of the paint shop, and the paint looks brilliant.

That's all I know.

Since I cant get out by plane, I'll be driving out sometime this month to bring all the parts in time for the mast and rigging arrival. Hopefully, I'll get to see the boat before it's done....
Vessel Name: In Your Dreams
Vessel Make/Model: Tayana 48
Hailing Port: Seward, Alaska
Crew: Capn Jake
About: Ship callsign: WDF2847. HAM callsign: KL0L. Tender: Col. Vaughan
Extra: Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. -- Theodore Roosevelt, 1899
In Your Dreams's Photos - Wrong-way Pacific crossing
Photos 1 to 26 of 26 | Main
30 Mar 13.  Kaohsiung railway park.
3 Apr 13.  Departing Kaohsiung, lines and fenders dragging.  Courtesy of Petr & Jana aboard Janna.
18 Apr 13.  Marianas Yacht Club, Apra Harbor, Guam.
13 Apr 13.  Enroute to Guam, approx 18N 138E.
13 Apr 13. Later that evening.
14 Apr 13. Sunrise.
30 Apr 13.  Anatahan Island (and volcano), Northern Marianas at sunset.
13 May 13.  Approx. 24N, 168E.
16 May 13.  Red-billed tropicbirds.  Some of the many visitors.
17 May 13.  One of many sunrises, approx 27N, 176E.
24 May 13.  Approx. 24N, 174W.
6 Jun 13.  Landfall Waiamea Bay, Kauai.  A long hard fight to get to the last stretch into Port Allen.
15 Jul 13.  Lying Honolulu, preparing for departure.
15 Jul 13.  Honolulu.
18 Jul 13.  Huleia stream, Nawilliwilli, Kauai.  Setting of many movies including, Jurrasic Park, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.
20 Jul 13.  At anchor Hanalei Bay, Kauai.  Could have stayed another month...
21 Jul 13.  At day anchor behind a reef in tiny Ha
21 Jul 13.  Ha
12 Jul 13.  Departing Kauai for parts North.
28 Jul 13.  Approx. 38N, 151W.  Valella, Valella, or By the Wind Sailors, as we found after internet access.  We called them Damsel Fly Sailors.
29 Jul 13.  Approx. 34N, 150W.  Another big Dorado.
29 Jul 13.  In gaff position.
3 Aug 13.  After the gale, before the storm.
10 Aug 13.  Landfall Resurrection Bay, Alaska.
10 Aug 13.  Passing the Narrows and Fox Island.
10 Aug 13.  Midnight sunset motoring into Seward.