Photo Albums
28 March 2019
191 Photos

Sailing Isabella

Vessel Name: Isabella
Vessel Make/Model: Cabo Rico Tiburon 36 Cutter Ketch
Hailing Port: Biloxi Mississippi
Crew: Jim Ulmer
12 June 2023
25 May 2023
19 April 2023
19 April 2022
14 December 2021
15 June 2021
15 September 2020
02 June 2020
05 March 2020
24 January 2020
04 December 2019
18 November 2019
24 October 2019
Recent Blog Posts
25 September 2023

At anchor Mississippi Barrier Islands

After 8 long years of rehab I am enjoying the fruits of my (& friends) labor!

12 June 2023

Launch Day

Finally going over the side!

25 May 2023


Zern Rigging out of Pensacola putting up the new rig

19 April 2023

Hard dodger

Progress continues on the dodger project. Finally, got Isabella back in the water and new rigging installed. The dodger has been put on the back burner. I have to have it to go to the Bahamas in the spring, so will be getting back to it soon.

19 April 2022

Hard Dodger Build

A Hard Dodger is a must in my book. So I am attempting to design and build one that will be both functional and not take away from the lines of the boat. There are additional pics in the Gallery.

14 December 2021

More cockpit work

Made new combing locker doors out of StarBoard.

SoftSand non-skid

15 June 2021
Jim Ulmer
I really like this stuff. I have put this down with Awlgrip oyster white. With a little experimenting I developed this perceedure that works very well and allows me to complete sections in one weekend.
- Mask and sand the area with 220grit. Wipe down with wax remover (Totalboat).
- Prime with Awlgrip 545
- After 10 hrs, Light sand the primer with 220 grit
- Roll on thick coat of Awlgrip topcoat
- Sprinkle a heavy coat of SoftSand on the wet paint (shouldn't be able to see the paint thru the SoftSand)
- Wait 1-1/2 to 2 hrs, then using an air hose with the pressure set at 2-3psi, slowly blow the loose Softsand into a pile in the middle of the area coated. Using a piece of brown craft paper folded like a dust pan, carefully blow the loose material on too it and pour back into the shaker. I was able to collect about 90% of the loose SoftSand.
- Roll on the next topcoat. You will get some of the loose material in the paint, it's ok.
- Wait another 1-1/2-2 hrs and roll on the next and last topcoat.
- Wait 30 min and pull the tape. Done. Cures completely in 2 or 3 days.
(see additional pictures in the photo gallery)
Isabella's Photos - Main
Pictures of a 4 year complete refit.
191 Photos
Created 28 March 2019

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Photo Albums
28 March 2019
191 Photos