Leela Year Six - Across the Pacific

Well.... to our own surprise here we are

17 May 2022 | Vuda Marina, Lautoka, Fiji
26 January 2022 | Australia
08 November 2021 | Viti Levu, Fiji
02 September 2021 | Paradise Resort, Taveuni
29 August 2021 | Paradise Resort, Taveuni, Fiji
10 August 2021 | Western S Pacific
19 June 2021 | New Jersey
14 March 2021 | At sea
05 March 2021 | Raroia, Tuamotus
05 February 2021 | Raivavae, The Australs Group, French Polynesia
04 February 2021 | Raivavae, The Australs Group, French Polynesia
17 January 2021 | Tahiti
13 December 2020 | Papeete, Tahiti
14 November 2020 | Pape’ete, Tahiti
14 November 2020 | Tahiti
01 October 2020 | Fakarava
24 September 2020 | Fakarava South Pass
19 August 2020 | Papeete, Tahiti
02 August 2020 | Pape’ete, French Polynesia
09 July 2020 | Papeete, Tahiti


19 August 2020 | Papeete, Tahiti
First, the pictures have nothing to do with the subject of the post but I wanted to show something of Pape'ete and the two most notable features are the so-called footpaths that dump you into the street at irregular but frequent intervals and the amazing murals scattered throughout the downtown so here they are.

Back on topic. Like much of the world we are being shoved around by rapidly changing circumstances. Our recent plan to head to Fiji was driven in part by the reemergence of CV here in French Polynesia and also by the reasonable likelihood of being able to get into New Zealand with Queensland providing a viable backup. All change.... Getting into New Zealand looks extremely unlikely this season and Queensland has re-imposed severe constraints on arriving yachts so they both look out for now. We are considering staying in Fiji for the cyclone season but it comes loaded with risk and challenges.

So, another cyclone season in French Polynesia is probably the best option. We will keep an eye on the NZ status and be ready for a late run but it's a low probability. If we do this we will head west in May, to Tonga if it is open or Fiji. Then it will be Oz if we have had enough of our micro-'house' or NZ if we feel inclined to journey on. This all feels a bit like marking time but we are acutely aware that our choices are, by any standard, luxurious, particularly at the moment.

The original plan of a two year journey to Oz then settling down feels almost quaint in this strange new world we find ourselves in. Being adrift on the open seas seems to make more sense right now. We are making this up as we go along so it could all change tomorrow...

There is a big blow coming but we will head out to the Tuamotus as soon as conditions allow to avoid getting trapped in Tahiti for a lockdown. We are hopeful that they will get the current outbreak under control but tourists keep on coming. Anyway, it will be good to get back 'out there' after several weeks of marina living.

On the subject of pictures, I have posted some more selected underwater shots from the Gambiers here.

and for anyone with a LOT of time on their hands here are all the French Polynesia underwater photos. There are more than 800 so approach with caution (or make a screensaver.....

We hope this finds you all well. Do write if you have time.

Vessel Name: Leela
Vessel Make/Model: Bristol 38.8
Hailing Port: Portsmouth, NH
Crew: Graham and Janaki
We are a Brit and an Australian now based in the wonderful community of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. We have a delightful home there but a couple of years ago we began to feel a bit over-domesticated so we thought we would buy another boat and head south. [...]
Leela, a Bristol 38.8 has turned out to be a wonderful cruising boat for us. Some might find it a little cramped by modern standards but it feels like just the right balance of living space and storage to us. She sails like a dream. She is remarkably well balanced and is comfortable in pretty [...]
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