Happy Holidays
22 December 2017 | Stuart Fl
I’ve developed a very painful pinched nerve in my neck. I believe it may be from overuse of the computer and mouse. We normally keep it on the nav station and the angle there isn’t the most ergonomic. I’m trying to limit my time on the beast to give it time to rest and hopefully heal. Hence the lack of blog posts. We are doing fine the boat is decorated for Christmas complete with lights on the bow and cockpit. Stockings are hung, packages sent and received and holiday festivities are in full swing at the marina.
We’ve gotten comfortable on our mooring ball and reconnected with some other cruisers in the Marina that we met in Marathon. We’ve been able to get a bi weekly domino game going, but no Bocce yet for Scott.
We’re very slowly doing some projects on Light Reach but mostly we’ve just been hanging out. The picture is of Roger, Sue and Scott taken the other day. Dancin Down Wind got a shiny new anchor for Hanukah and Christmas. Scott was helping them get it installed.