Stuart Boat Show
13 January 2018 | Sunset Bay Marina, Stuart Fl
Today we attended the Stuart Boat Show. We had been told it wasn’t much of a show but we decided to go anyway and we’re glad we did. It was chilly; we still continue to have cold fronts descending upon us every few days. I even have broken down and ordered slippers and turtlenecks from Amazon. Surely that will cause the weather to break as soon as they arrive. The show was just over the bridge from the marina, an easy walk.
The number of vendors there was impressive. I talked to one gentleman, a local canvas maker, asking if he might like to take on a free apprentice but he already has one. My sewing skills are okay but I would love to learn some tricks from the pros.
We also talked to the electronic guru from Trinity Marine about our battery charger needs. We gleaned some much needed information from him on what we should look for in a battery charger and made arrangements to go to their offices to get a new one this week.
After perusing the various vendor’s tents we checked out the boats. They had a good number of boats in various shapes and sizes from jet skis to large power yachts. There was only one sailboat on display, an Island Packet which we didn’t board. The docks were crowded with people despite the cold weather. We did look at a couple of the power boats just for giggles.
Life in the Marina continues to be a good fit for us. The staff is friendly and helpful and the social scene is a busy one. Time is continues to fly.
I didn’t take any photos at the show so this one is from the 2009 Annapolis Boat show when we were still gainfully employed. Captain hasn’t aged at all in 9 years