Visit with my sis
17 January 2018
Today we took a trip down to Boynton by car to visit with my sister and her hubby who are using our condo for the season. I was dizzy (some say a normal state) with excitement when the doc gave her the go ahead to come south this winter. She is still recovering from the accident that nearly claimed her life in October. I’m happy to report that she is doing very well and continues to amaze us all with her determination to recover. She’s continuing therapy in Florida this winter.
We had a lovely visit and lunch. I offered to help her with anything she needed done (laundry, shopping etc) and was firmly told that she had it under control. They’re looking forward to spending time with their son and his family who live nearby. Matthew (grandson) is an avid Lacross player and Colleen plays soccer and they are looking forward to seeing their games. Their daughter and her family will be down in February to visit the mouse and my brother and his wife are in Florida for the winter as well. Lots of hens to watch over the chick who has no intention of being coddled.
Assured she is in good hands we returned to the boat with plans for them to come to Stuart to see the town and see where Light Reach is berthed this season.
The picture is of the marina shore side facilities. We spend a lot of time on that porch!