In the yard
02 November 2020 | Indiantown Fl
Sally | too warm to wear a bunny suit!
We hemmed and hawed and sputtered and debated, should we stay in storage this year? The need of a change of scenery and a break from the monotony of condo life biased our decision to a no. We were scheduled to be moved to the work yard today back in May. We kept the appointment and at 11;00 this morning Light Reach was put in the slings and brought to Indiantown’s work yard. By noon she was blocked and jacked and we scrambled aboard to take stock and start work. She was absolutely filthy. We started by lowering the dingy from the front bow to the ground. Poor dingy, she is looking a bit long in tooth and quite leaky. Chasing leaks is on Scott’s list. We also lowered the fuel jugs off the deck to the ground to give me clear decks for the washdown. I started on that right away as we want the deck washing done before we apply bottom paint. I only made it ¾ down the starboard side before time and lack of light called a halt to our day. I think this is the first time we’ve been out after dark since March. What does that say about us?
The picture is Light Reach blocked in the yard.