Sandy Bottom
05 November 2020 | Indiantown FL
Sally | in the 80's
Work in the yard goes on. We rented a sander and tackled the bottom. It was hot grueling work with bunny suits, goggles , masks and gloves. Between the two of us we were able to accomplish the task, what a job. It took three full days to get the decks cleaned to a reasonable point. We’ve got several spots where the steel wool used to keep bugs and bees out rusted and stained the deck. Not sure what is up with that since we have used it in prior seasons without issues. Scott chased dingy leaks and patche d what he could . She’s not perfect but hopefully we can squeeze another season out of her. I’m tasked with washing and polishing the topsides. I want to get the wash part done before we put on bottom paint. The marina was subject to an inspection from the EPA this week to make sure they were complient with all the multitude of regulations. We were all asked to clean up our work areas and to make sure there were no fuel cans, solvent etc stored under the boat so we had to lug all the fuel cans back up to the cockpit. We are slated to launch on Monday but ETA may change those plans. We’ll take a look at the weather tomorrow and make the final decision. In the meantime we have some boat guests who have taken up residence and show up at the most unique times. It seems we have a family of tree toads living in the cockpit lockers. Occasionally one will hop out and give you a fright. We don’t mind them and they eat bugs. Just not sure why they hang on the boat there are plenty of trees around.
The picture is me sanding doesn't it look like a real blast?