Life Afloat on SV Light Reach Two Sailors and a Sea Dog

05 November 2021 | Enroute to Stuart
04 November 2021
03 November 2021 | Indiantown
24 October 2021 | Indiantown
09 September 2021 | Treasure Coast Florida
07 August 2021 | Finger Lakes region NYS
28 July 2021 | South Jersey Shore
14 May 2021 | St Lucie River
09 May 2021 | Stuart Fl
05 April 2021 | Stuart Florida
02 March 2021 | Stuart Fl
01 February 2021 | Stuart
30 January 2021 | Boca Raton
29 January 2021 | Stuart Fl
21 January 2021 | Boynton
19 January 2021 | Stuart
29 December 2020 | Stuart F:
25 December 2020 | Sampe as we have been Ho Ho Ho
17 December 2020 | Stuart
16 December 2020 | Sunset Bay Stuart

Working our way north ... by car

28 July 2021 | South Jersey Shore
Sally Stearns | Summertime
We spent the rest of May, June and the first 20 days of July at the condo. We didn't do much, made a couple of trips to check on the boat, but mostly read, watched the tube and made plans to go north. We felt reasonably safe to travel having been vaccinated. Plus we both wanted so much to visit family, friends and our dentist!

We started the trip driving to Hilton Head where we had a lovely visit with Roger and Sue. They had just closed the sale of Dancin Downwind, a bittersweet day for sure. The are now permanent dirt dwellers.

From Hilton Head we traveled to Emporia Va where we had booked two nights in a camping cabin. The captain had no desire to tent this trip. The cabin was part of a Jellystone park campground. Both of us had wanted to stay in one of these franchised campgrounds since we were little kids. Ha it was fun although there was pretty much nothing around there and the campground was pretty empty. We enjoyed the stop. From there we had booked two nights in a motel near our old Marina on the Chesapeake. We had hoped to see Bonnie and Pete while we were there but life had other plans so that didn't happen. We did take a walk around Annapolis where the mooring field was surprisingly empty on a late July day. We stopped at our old Marina which has just been sold. Plans of the new owners are extensive including surrounding the basin with condos. What this will mean to the slip holders is up the air. It was a bit sad, we've been gone long enough that we don't know many of the current slip holders. Bonnie and Pete are in the process of moving Q to Wilmington NC. Our old K dock gang has dispersed to the four winds.

Our next stop was Long Beach RV resort in southern New Jersey. We had rented a camping cabin at the resort for 4 nights. We enjoyed visits from both Deb and Paul while we were there. It was so good to see them! We also spent part of a day at the Jersey shore which was a first for both of us. The camping cabins worked well for us letting us do our own meal prep and avoiding crowds. Neither of us are ready for big crowds or enclosed spaces. At this point we have only eaten at a sit down restaurant 3 times since all this craziness began. And all of those times have been outside.

The picture was taken on Long Beach Island at the Jersey Shore.
Vessel Name: Light Reach
Vessel Make/Model: Pacific Seacraft 37
Hailing Port: Annapolis Md
Crew: Scott and Sally and missing our CSO India the wonder Schnauzer she sails on in our hearts
Scott and Sally met in college, married and lived the average dirt dweller life for years always somewhere near the water. We fell in love with sailing in the early 90's. Summer of 2014 we both retired and became full time cruisers. [...]
Extra: "I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky; and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by." John Masefield
Light Reach's Photos - Main
August 2015 visit to Keuka Lake (New York Finger Lakes)
1 Photo
Created 2 September 2015