20 May 2012 | 8N 140W
12 May 2012 | 225 Miles Off the West Coast of Mexico
11 May 2012 | Fatu Hiva, Marquesas, Fr. Polynesia
17 April 2012 | 6N 126W
10 April 2012 | 200 Miles Off the West Coast of Mexico
09 April 2012 | 18N 119W ish
06 April 2012 | Punta de Mita, Nayarit, Mexico
19 March 2012
19 March 2012
19 March 2012

Mersoleil Sails Past USS Midway

19 March 2012

Vessel Name: Mersoleil
Vessel Make/Model: Hylas 46
Hailing Port: Seattle, WA
Crew: Bev & Robbie Collins
About: Capt. Bev Collins -- USCG 50 Ton Master, gardener extraordinaire, sensational chef, always always cheerful, has committed the entire Oxford English Dictionary to memory.

Mate Robbie Collins -- baseball, sailing, baseball, sailing, baseball, sailing.....

Extra: Mersoleil is a cutter rig, center-cockpit 46' Hylas. She is sea-kindly, but a tough competitor in heavy weather. She is our home and refuge and our chariot to the people and cultures we long to meet.

Who Are We?

Who: Bev & Robbie Collins
Port: Seattle, WA
Sailing Mersoleil Around the World 2011 - 2012