20 May 2012 | 8N 140W
12 May 2012 | 225 Miles Off the West Coast of Mexico
11 May 2012 | Fatu Hiva, Marquesas, Fr. Polynesia
17 April 2012 | 6N 126W
10 April 2012 | 200 Miles Off the West Coast of Mexico
09 April 2012 | 18N 119W ish
06 April 2012 | Punta de Mita, Nayarit, Mexico
19 March 2012
19 March 2012
19 March 2012

There's Only One Thing Bad About Cruising

19 March 2012
The cruising life has so many wonderful benefits and opportunities that it almost seems without a downside. Fresh sea air, exercise, wonderful food, incredible people and new friends, cultural experiences from places we only knew from books or not at all....these are just a few of what draws sailors to this peripatetic life. But...

I ran across the photograph below which was taken in December, 2010, in New Hampshire as Bev and I visited our eldest son Chris, our daughter-in-law Ariella and grand children Michaela and Naomi. The photo is of Robbie and Naomi.

Vessel Name: Mersoleil
Vessel Make/Model: Hylas 46
Hailing Port: Seattle, WA
Crew: Bev & Robbie Collins
About: Capt. Bev Collins -- USCG 50 Ton Master, gardener extraordinaire, sensational chef, always always cheerful, has committed the entire Oxford English Dictionary to memory.

Mate Robbie Collins -- baseball, sailing, baseball, sailing, baseball, sailing.....

Extra: Mersoleil is a cutter rig, center-cockpit 46' Hylas. She is sea-kindly, but a tough competitor in heavy weather. She is our home and refuge and our chariot to the people and cultures we long to meet.

Who Are We?

Who: Bev & Robbie Collins
Port: Seattle, WA
Sailing Mersoleil Around the World 2011 - 2012