
The adventures of a Jeanneau 439 racing to Hawaii.


Port: Vancouver BC
05 August 2016
25 July 2016 | Maui, Hawaii
24 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 200 miles to Maui
23 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 400 miles to Maui
22 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 540 miles to Maui
21 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 715 miles to Maui
20 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 875 miles to Maui
19 July 2016 | Open Pacific
19 July 2016 | Open Pacific
18 July 2016 | Open Pacific
18 July 2016 | Open Pacific
16 July 2016 | Open Pacific
16 July 2016 | Open Pacific
16 July 2016 | Open Pacific
15 July 2016 | Open Pacific
15 July 2016 | Open Pacific
14 July 2016 | Open Pacific
13 July 2016 | Open Pacific
13 July 2016 | Open Pacific

Sushi is Served

13 July 2016 | Open Pacific
We are into day 4. After a great spinnaker run through the night, we find ourselves continuing under spinnaker now in the sunshine. With less heel and rocking, we took the opportunity to get down to the business of enjoying the remaining tuna from Mark's first (and, so far, only) catch -- today's features were sushi, ceviche, and more blackened tuna. We all almost fell over laughing as Gord's eyes nearly popped out with too much wasabi, but otherwise the sushi was a new hit. The water and air both continue to warm and we are all looking forward to Mark's next catch as we expect more fish in the warmer water.

Back to the sailing; we have lost sight of Turnigan taking a bit of a different course, but we now have had visual on String Theory for the past eight hours or so. Andrew (aka Mr Fixit) has had no shortage of minor repairs and tweaks, but all core systems of the boat have been working great.

We have adjusted our clocks back one hour as we get closer to Hawaiian Time and shifted our watch schedule to the new time in the process. Spirits are great with the team, and the sailing is spectacular.
Vessel Name: Miles
Vessel Make/Model: Jeanneau 439
Hailing Port: Vancouver BC
Extra: Vic Maui 2016


Port: Vancouver BC