Flying Squid
18 July 2016 | Open Pacific
Well, we now have another squid story to tell you about. This time the squid were small and instead of being below the boat they came on top of the boat! In fact, one actually hit Carrick in the shoulder while he was driving last night. We found another one on deck in the morning. Not sure again if Kraken (the boat) had anything to do with it or if it was some sort of revenge for hitting the giant squid the other day. Regardless, none of us had ever heard of flying squid before but we can now confirm that they do that. If the squids know what is good for them, though, they had better not come on deck in large numbers because we like to eat around here.
We appear to be in the Pacific Gyre -- the area were large amounts of garbage get caught in the currents and are constantly floating around here offshore. There is a lot of junk floating around here. We heard a few small clunks on the hull through the night but so far no major strikes or fouls -- we are keeping any eye out during the day but with the cloud cover at night it is pitch black so we have no chance of seeing anything floating. (The occassional, albeit brief, openings in the clouds to reveal the moon and stars are spectaluar however -- we hope to get more of that!)
On the sailing side, aside from powerful squalls this morning which were too much to take advantage of, we continue to try to hook into the good winds to get us to Maui on the best and fastest route possible. We will see what this afternoon brings.