
The adventures of a Jeanneau 439 racing to Hawaii.


Port: Vancouver BC
05 August 2016
25 July 2016 | Maui, Hawaii
24 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 200 miles to Maui
23 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 400 miles to Maui
22 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 540 miles to Maui
21 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 715 miles to Maui
20 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 875 miles to Maui
19 July 2016 | Open Pacific
19 July 2016 | Open Pacific
18 July 2016 | Open Pacific
18 July 2016 | Open Pacific
16 July 2016 | Open Pacific
16 July 2016 | Open Pacific
16 July 2016 | Open Pacific
15 July 2016 | Open Pacific
15 July 2016 | Open Pacific
14 July 2016 | Open Pacific
13 July 2016 | Open Pacific
13 July 2016 | Open Pacific

Many Unanswered Questions

22 July 2016 | Open Pacific; About 540 miles to Maui
Most of our questions have to do with sea life since that is about all we are seeing out here.

The one we most keenly wanted answered ("Where are all of the Mahi Mahi and Tuna?) was answered this morning...twice! We finally caught more fish after having been skunked in the week-plus since the Tuna Mark caught early in our trip. So now the question is; "How are we going to cook the fish?". Survey here says the first batch will be fish tacos.

Another question ("Where are all of the dolphins?) got answered last night as a pod of four or five played in the waves around the boat for about five minutes in the middle of the night under a beautiful moon and stars (thus also answering the question; "Where is the gorgeous night sailing that we had heard so much about?).

We still have the question; "When are we going to see some whales, or sharks?"

We have also had lots of time to contemplate the flying fish (of which there are many!!). Questions include; Why do they keep landing on our boat? Was that one that landed on the fordeck between Mark and Erik trying to hit either of them, or was that just a coincidence? When flying fish are in groups, are they considered a 'school', a 'flock', a 'gaggle', or something else? Do they hold their breath when they jump out of the water (or, perhaps when they are in the water?)?

Of course the big unanswered question is; "When will we get to Maui?". It is still too early to say with much accuracy, but if all goes according to plan (which it rarely does), our planned route and projections get us to Maui later Monday -- that's what we are working towards (or sooner, of course) anyway. We are now on day three of sailing under spinakker in the trade winds under beautiful sunny (and HOT!!!) skies and loving every minute of of it. However, we are all missing our families too and can't wait to see them waiting at the finish line or back at home, so we have all kinds of motivation to get there as fast as possible. I'm off to keep searching for answers...
Vessel Name: Miles
Vessel Make/Model: Jeanneau 439
Hailing Port: Vancouver BC
Extra: Vic Maui 2016


Port: Vancouver BC