s/v Narnia

The Adventures of Scotty, Sue and Dan aboard Narnia

3 Mile Paddle Exploring the New Wetlands

We posted earlier about the Tidal Wetlands Restoration that is happening around our home in the delta and how it is opening up new areas and habitats, well we decided to take advantage of this perfect November day to explore some of the newly created waterways.

As we are unsure of the depth of the new areas and it was an outgoing tide, it was decided that Kayaking was the most prudent way to proceed. Depth was checked along the way by feeling for the bottom with the paddle. Many of the areas were only marginally passable even in the kayak. and the tidal current was swift in sections, but I'm happy to report that there is now a new loop from our home out to the game preserve that appears navigable for the Avon and Kayak at all but the lower tides. Unfortunately the Capri sailboat would draft a bit too deep.

Today's 3 Mile paddle only scratched the surface of the newly opened/created areas. there are still many back channels and new tidal habitats to be explored. We love living on the delta.

Some photos and videos from today.
