Boys on the Beach
14 April 2008 | Playa Herba Buena, Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico
by Cheryl
The best part of people watching on this beach is the local boys hanging out on the beach. Besides the 3 that did those flips into the surf there were 3 others, nephews of the restaurant owners. One evening they climbed a pile of flatten out white plastic lounge chairs to watch a big white dog playing catch with it's humans. They looked really neat in a row of descending height with their little bent arms leaning on each other's shoulders. Later one of them was folding the unused tablecloths: 1st he would throw the bright pink table cloth over his head so he looked like a pink ghost with brown limbs sticking out. Then he would pinch the tablecloth in the middle with both hands from underneath inside near his chin. Next he would flip the cloth down uncovering his head while still pinching it so it was folded in half. Once off his head, he would fold it two more times the 'normal' way and leave it on the table. Do you think an adult taught him this technique?