The Raven Log

The crew of sv Raven now on land.

26 September 2009 | San Carlos, MX
10 September 2009
05 September 2009
05 September 2009 | San Carlos, MX
11 August 2009 | Cheryl's Bag
09 August 2009 | Taos Solar Center
09 August 2009 | Taos Solar Center
08 August 2009
07 August 2009 | on the other side of the barbed-wire fence from our yard
07 August 2009
06 August 2009 | Our Wood Pile
05 August 2009 | Our Shoe Pile
01 August 2009
07 July 2009
07 July 2009
07 July 2009
07 July 2009
05 July 2009
03 July 2009

9o in Taos Last Night, 80o in El Salvador

10 December 2008 | Casa Cuervo Couch, Taos, NM
by Those Holding Down the Fort
Scott won't be needing this picture anymore

News From El Salvador:
Seems like the $1000 worth of boat parts that were so gracesously brought down for us and 'mistakenly' brought to another country, are MIA....
Tales of parties on other peoples boats and trips into town with Jan. Another 'Cheryl' thing: Scott bought pasta not remembering that we had 5 lbs on the boat already...I jokingly asked if they added all the new provisions to my provision list. Howard said, "Yeah, Right." Still waiting for the alternator to be fixed and watching for a weather window - maybe leaving 12/13.

Back At the Fort:
Woke to 6" inches of beautiful white snow covering our yard. Swept off the north and west sides of the house - glad I bought those snow boots yesterday.
'Jose' finally showed up and knocked a bigger hole in our 24" thick wall - to enlarge a vent into the utility closet- so now our gas won't get shut off! THOUGH it doesn't look to me like he is finished. Maybe he'll come back.
Took longer to drive to work with the snow covered dirt road and a bit of snow on the highways. Can't zoom to work in 4WD. Ha,ha.
Vessel Name: Raven
Vessel Make/Model: Westsail 32
Hailing Port: Crested Butte, Colorado, USA
Crew: Capt'n Scott, Admiral Cheryl, Spirit Guide Hilo
About: Capt'n Scott - formerly responsible for the crews lives Cheryl - former Admiral, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, etc., etc. Hilo - Spirit Guide & Protector (formally- Bug Catcher, Scarer of Birds, Lap Warmer, Provider of Unconditional Love (as long as his food bowl is full)
Westsails have an interesting history. They were designed after pilot boats, boats that were made very sturdy so they could spend hours in rough seas. They were over built with fiberglass so they are thicker than most fiberglass boats and are wider (beamier) than most other boats for their length [...]

S/V RAVEN & HER CREW from 2004-2009

Who: Capt'n Scott, Admiral Cheryl, Spirit Guide Hilo
Port: Crested Butte, Colorado, USA
"God is happiest when his children are at play" - the Legend of Bagger Vance
"A riveting and exciting read, I can barely wait each month for the new entry". - Capt'n Halsey, the Yellow Submarine