Over the Bar & Through the Surf...
13 December 2008 | El Salvador & Taos, NM USA
by Those Holding Down the Fort

When we went out over the bar the last time
With the alternator installed properly -lo and behold - it works! 'Interesting' to get misinformation from the professionals! Up the mast and the VHF antenna is attached and the radio works. Wind & waves checked, itinerary planned, provisions stored, food cooked, visas stamped, Zarpe obtained, Rojilo scheduled, dingy stored, last emails and Skype calls to loved one made and Raven is OFF! Over the bar and through the surf to Mexico they go! this time Capt'n Scott plans on braving the coast of the gulf of Tehunapec to avoid the higher chances of getting blown off course 200 miles if the winds pick up. This means rocks to watch out for as well as fishing boats. Advice is to anchor at night in 30ft of coastal water and 'light yer boat up like a Christmas tree'- appropriate for this time of year, he,he.
Back at the Fort:
Cheryl settles in for 5 to 7 days of 'Skype black-out' from Capt'n Scott. Kindling to chop, snow shovels to buy, holiday events to attend and snow storms to wait for. I wound up going out to dinner with some friends & decided to treat myself to the steak! I wondered what Scott was eating that night, his 1st on the boat. Probably Dramamine!