"We got nailed full on Tehuanipecker, you would have hated it."
20 December 2008 | Hualtuco, MX & Taos, NM
by Those Holding Down the Fort
Day 6 of Scott's 5 day sail back to Mexico - my heart skips a beat each and every time the phone rings, hoping it is him, but alas, it is not: people to plow our driveway, Cris at work, etc. I figured it would take at least 7 days though Scott said 5, 2 more than it took us to sail south, still I can't help but be anxious to hear his voice again. Did they get blown out to the Galapogos Isalnds? I don't worry but still the thoughts race through my mind.
Day 7 of Scott's 5 day sail: I get an email from Scott saying they are there and OK and will call later! He also writes that they got caught in a blow and 'I would have hated it". Later that same day the phone rings at work from an unknown number and...it's him!! So great to hear his voice! He missed what little Spanish more I know than him while checking in with the Port Captain (who speaks no English) and of course just missed me in general - like wise for me too! Their sail went something like this: 30 -40 nm winds at 11 pm ("It was a dak and stormy night...") for 18 hours while crossing the Gulf of Tehuanapec= getting caught in a blow. The guide books say 'it just sucks' about getting caught in one. Broke a winch on the mast and a part on the spar. Luckily no one was hurt. Scott had to pry Scottie's hands from the tiller to get him to go down below and warm up during the blow - he's a trouper! Ran out of fuel but the Mexican Navy shuttled some to them because they didn't want them to go ashore- saved them from putting the dinghy together and paying $300 to check in to the country there! Put into a commercial harbor that we had read bad things about.
Finally they are safe and sound and officially checked into Mexico! Only 1 country away (instead of 3)! Hopefully the rest of their sail will be smooth (or smoother) sailing!