Visitors come and go
22 March 2010 | La Paz
We've returned to La Paz again after taking our friends Craig and Marian out to Isla San Francisco and Espiritu Santos. Our first night out we were in Bahia San Gabriel and had a Coromuel blow which sent us bouncing around for most of the night. Poor Craig and Marian got a Disneyland ride in the v-berth and ended up sleeping on the settee in the salon.
We have a week here to clean things up, do laundry, buy groceries and meet our youngest daughter Becca at the airport for her spring break visit. We are so looking forward to showing her our life down here and spending some quality time with her.
After Becca's visit we will take 3 weeks and begin a trek north to Puerto Escondido where we will haul out, get the bottom ground down and fly home for 10 weeks. We are looking forward to a nice leisurely trip stopping in new places and meeting up with others heading north.