Another Daughter Join the Crew
18 August 2011 | La Paz
Well again I have been remiss in updating the blog. Blame it on the laid back time of summer I guess as that is the best I have!
We got Lynsie off on the 11th to fly home and begin her next chapter of life, finding her first “big girl” job as she puts it. We had a great 6 weeks, shared many experiences and I think she will live a long time before she tops the experiences she had down here.
We are now in La Paz, Becca flew in yesterday and this morning we head north to give her as many peak experiences as we can squeeze into two weeks. She starts college at Western in Bellingham in a month so this also represents a big transition period for her. She is the youngest but not the least in the family and brings a whole different energy aboard Scottfree.
Today we’ll pull out and head up to Isla San Francisco and from there we hope to get as far as San Juanico before running back to La Paz to send her on her current life’s journey. We’ll update things as we go along and take some photos to post.
Just a quick note, I love all the messages, we love you all and hope to catch up with all our friends and family soon. Current plans have us home for Christmas then through Sarah and Kyle’s wedding in February before returning for spring in Mexico.