Solo Mates
07 May 2013 | Everett
I wanted to provide a little update as to what is happening for the crew of Scott Free. In March, 4 weeks after getting back on the boat for the season my mom called to say she fell and needed me back up in the NW to help her and move her closer to her daughters. She finally had come to terms that 3.5 hours away from any family or support was too far. So out of Loreto I flew leaving Scott to get the boat hauled out and bottom painted as we had originally planned.
It became clear that it wasn’t going to be a short trip for me as moving someone who has been living in the same place for 23 years and believes all her things are precious would take a while to pack up. So, we got her name on a list for an apartment in Everett and began packing. With her poor health a couple hours a day was the maximum we could tackle. I was determined to let her sort through her things and not force her to part with her belongings sooner than she was ready as I knew we would both survive living together better; but she was going from 900 sq.ft. to 700 sq. ft. No, she isn’t moving in permanently with us but her apartment wasn’t going to be ready until mid-May and she was ready to leave mid-April and I had movers lined up.
You have to understand, Mom is in a bit of a fragile state since pop passed away and her health isn’t robust. The slightest exertion gives her an angina attach and some days she is so blue she doesn’t want to get out of bed or get dressed. I understand and am not disparaging her, I’m just painting a picture of my days. Anyway, Scott and I aren’t used to and don't enjoy being apart so he came back up here to help me with the move and stayed a couple weeks. May 1st Scott returned with Rod from SV Isabella to get Scott Free back down to La Paz where we had a slip reserved for the summer.
After much thought and discussion we are at a crossroads as to how to be there for mom, be present in our new grandchild’s life and our families. So, after 4 years in Mexico we are considering bringing the boat home and exploring more of our beautiful PNW. Of course some family members are overjoyed and some are upset as their vacation destination is moving to cooler climates. We similarity have mixed feelings. With the current state of the available yacht shipping company (bankruptcy) we aren’t clear if Scott Free will come home this summer or not and have exciting thoughts about both outcomes. Adaptive as we are, we’ll enjoy either way and know life isn’t a one way street. U TURN IS POSSIBLE!