SV Scott Free

This life isn't a dress rehersal, live it to it's fullest

20 November 2014 | La Paz
30 May 2014 | La Paz
14 April 2014 | La Paz
20 March 2014 | Everett, WA
30 January 2014 | La Paz
21 January 2014 | La Paz
07 November 2013 | Everett
08 September 2013 | Everett
29 May 2013 | La Paz
07 May 2013 | Everett
03 April 2013 | Vancouver WA
12 March 2013 | Bahia Falsa
05 March 2013 | Bahia Falsa
03 March 2013 | La Paz
27 February 2013 | La Paz, Mx
12 February 2013 | Everett
13 January 2013 | Everett
08 January 2013 | Spokane, WA
12 December 2012 | La Paz
05 December 2012 | La Paz

At long last a Blog update.

30 May 2014 | La Paz
It does seem that my blog posts are getting fewer and fewer the longer we stay down here. The thing is is that it seems like I would be telling the same story again and again. “Left the dock, went out to the islands, met up with friends, swam, hiked, moved to a new island”. It doesn’t mean it isn’t just as great as it has always been but how many times can I tell a good at anchor story. We do have a good story of losing the dingy and outboard at sea but we’ll tell that one in person.

So all that said, we just returned to the marina in La Paz after spending almost 4 weeks out at all the islands and our favorite spots between here and Loreto. We met up with friends from the marina and others: Free Spirit (Dave and Goldeen), Orion (Mike and Cathy), Cetus (Heidi and Terry), Jake (Jake and Sharon), Shindig (Rob and Nancy) and many many more. We watched the Indy 500 from Augies Bar and Grill in Loreto while the boat sat out at anchor. We had a Potluck at the Hidden Harbor Yacht Club in Puerto Escondido. We had dinner with Connie and Elvin at their home in Juncilito. Rob from Shindig organized a dingy raft up sundowner party at Isla Coronados where we had 14 boats anchored (a lot for down here!). We had a Tequila tasting party aboat Scott Free with Shindig and Cetus and just a really great few weeks.

We now are tearing the boat down for hurricane season to leave it in the water at Marina Palmira. With the hurricane season underway and the strongest May hurricane on record already having occurred we will be very diligent in our preparations. This means all sails, lines, canvas, solar panels, bbqs, anything on the rails will be taken off and stored below. We’ll then spend 4 days in air conditioning at our timeshare then fly home June 10th where we’ll begin our summer rotation in the Seattle area with family and friends there. We are looking forward to getting together with everyone.

If you want to see some pictures I’ve been posting them on Instagram, a program I just love!
Vessel Name: Scott Free
Vessel Make/Model: Gulfstar 44
Hailing Port: Seattle
Crew: Scott and Monica Stoner
About: We are set for a life time of adventures together. We love life aboard and are living the dream!
Extra: This adventure started as a comment in 2006 on our honeymoon in the BVI's and has grown to the present reality.

SV Scott Free

Who: Scott and Monica Stoner
Port: Seattle