Livingstone check out
24 February 2012 | Texan Bay

Friday morning we got up , and went ashore to check on our water taxi that we had scheduled from the day before. The appointed hour came and went no lancha. So using my intrepid spanish I asked about our driver. The women server in the restaurant ashore got our her cell and called again. A new boat was order and it in fact did arrive. I asked for the name of the driver so that when the boat arrived I would know it was the right one. They told me Marixa
I commented that this was an unusual name for a man and they laughed. I found out later that it was the name of the boat! It almost seems that the more spanish I think I speak the more confusion I create. The main problem is no one EVER says I dont know what you are saying they just smile and nod, and because I can speak in sentences they assume I am fluent and rattle off a barrage, oh well it is still fun.
Walter (the driver) picked us up and off we went to Livingstone by way of the short cut through the mangrove swamp, good to have local knowledge.
The ride that had taken us 3.5 hrs in our boat was done in 30 minutes.
The checkout was painless as we used the agent in town and he took care of everything and we were ready to go. We had corresponded by email all week so he knew we were coming and had all the information pre done so now we are ready to go.
The reason we did it this way is we want tomorrows high tide at 10:11 am and we did not want to spend the night in the Livingstone harbor as it is not safe.
We leave tomorrow and will most likely be out of touch until we reach Mexico and internet coverage once again. I may try to send an email blog over the SSB radio however dont count on that.