Sound Effect does the big U

14 November 2012
23 April 2012 | Punta Gorda
13 April 2012 | Gasparilla
12 April 2012 | Gasparilla Marina
04 April 2012 | Gasparilla marina
03 April 2012 | Gasparilla Marina
01 April 2012 | Gasparilla Marina florida
30 March 2012 | Gasparilla Marina
27 March 2012 | Gasparilla Marina
21 March 2012 | Gasparilla Marina
13 March 2012
12 March 2012
10 March 2012 | Cancun area
09 March 2012 | Quintana Roo
07 March 2012 | El Cid
03 March 2012 | Marina El Cid
03 March 2012 | Puerto Morales
01 March 2012 | Puerto Morales Mexico
28 February 2012
24 February 2012 | Texan Bay

Mexico bound

28 February 2012
Left Rio Dulce Sat am and arrived in Mexico at Chinchorro bank 51 hours of sailing to weather later. For most of a day we were beating back and forth up the rhumb line due to a faulty weather forecast in 25kt breezes.
Check out the coordinates of this anchorage at google earth. In person the turquise water is spectactular. One of only a handfull of corral atolls in the Atlantic. More when we have internet.
Vessel Name: Sound Effect
Vessel Make/Model: Dufour385
Hailing Port: Tacoma WA
Crew: Jim & Connie Merritt
About: Jim and Connie have been sailing since 1975 and have owned four different boats. Racing and cruising Puget Sound Jim has earned a 100 Ton Coast Guard License and US sailing instructor credentials
Extra: Dreaming about full time cruising for20yrs, Jim and Connie have been actively planning for 5 years since participating in the 2005 BaJa Ha Ha

Who: Jim & Connie Merritt
Port: Tacoma WA