Goldilocks and the three docks
07 March 2012 | El Cid
As of last saturday we are now in our third slip of our stay in Marina El Cid.
Last post was galloping docks and sure enough beyond the snapped lines all of the remaining lines I examined when the wind moderated slightly had chafed through enough we had to cut out the bad sections and re tie.
I showed the damaged lines to the Manager and he agreed to let me go to a 70ft slip against the breakwater. That is where we are now and feel a little better about leaving the boat safely for inland travel. The wind shifted from SE which caused the galloping docks to NE. During the transition time we moved successfully to the new slip and snugged down with cast off bits of line and spare anchor line called into service to tie the boat down.
We went shopping in Cancun yesterday to buy new dock lines but they cost 3 times what they do in the states so we are going to make do.
We plan to rent a car tomorrow night late and then leave early am Friday for our road trip.