Boxed Milk
01 April 2012 | Gasparilla Marina florida
Before we left we got advice from a cruising veteran who said dont over provision your boat because they eat everywhere. He was right for the most part, we got what we needed everywhere . We missed a few American products like Triscuits but for the most part we had everything we needed.
My worry had been delactose milk, however every country had this product in boxed milk. The picture show a delactose product that is light. You know it is light because she is showing her flat midriff. In the regular product the shirt covers her completely (no kidding). I think boxed milk is superior to what we do here as it stores for a year before refrigeration and takes up much less space in our tiny fridge. The whole world is using these boxed milk products except us. Just think of the energy savings no refrigerated trucks for delivery, less energy at the store for sale, and smaller fridges at home. Huge win for the tree huggers.