The Big U at an end
13 April 2012 | Gasparilla

Well for those of you who have not guessed Sound Effect has completed the big U. We didnt make it to North Carolina because we decided to stay in Florida. We have been on the boat for two years and have traveled 11000 miles from Tacoma Wa to Punta Gorda Fl. We have stayed in six countries and met countless other cruisers with a lifetime of memories.
Recently when recounting our story we were asked you did this all alone? Of course it was just Connie and I onboard but no we did not do this trip alone.
We had wonderful crew who helped deliver the boat from Port Townsend WA to San Francisco, thanks to Debbie, Don, Rob, Denny and Dan. Oh and thanks for the Boston Legal.
Those of you who have followed this blog know that the able crew of Kokomo helped out many times, once with a tow but most often with late night radio checkins and encoragement. We also met many more cruiser friends who had a terrific impact. These include Debbie and Jeff on Sailors run who acted as translator at the hospital and taught us how to make Baggy wrinkles. We got so much help and encouragement from Reg and Sharon aboard Pea Soup when my back was at it's worst. And late in the trip we met Rob and Sue aboard Catalyst who told us about Punta Gorda and helped with important introductions here in town. There were of course so many more whose paths we crossed that made us richer for the experience.
I also must add my family, Jim and Christie who helped with mail, and banking, and Andrew and Stephanie who handled the blog chores when I was at Sea. I also am grateful to my brother and sister who did so much for our Dad when I wasnt around to do my part. Thanks to everyone who helped make our dream a reality. Also I gues I would be remiss without thanking my wife of 40 years for putting up with me and my crazy idea about offshore cruising.
I will continue to blog peridically to add my thoughts about what worked and what didnt in the weeks ahead.