Day 3 Update - I really could use a nap
31 March 2016 | 16 58'N:110 24'W, On Passage, Mexico to French Polynesia

Days at sea completed: 3
Distance sailed in the last 24 hours (nm): 149 Distance sailed total (nm): 383 Distance to go until French Polynesia, as the crow flies (nm): 2324
Wind Speed & Direction (knots): NW15 Sea Condition (ft): 6' NW swell with 2' wind chop
--- See the map on our blog for our current location---
We have had much better wind this last 24 hours. We are not in the trade winds yet, that will hopefully be tomorrow, but we are getting away from the more finicky winds near land. We haven't had any calm periods with no wind at all today - yeah! There is nothing worse than waves and no wind.
This consistent wind also means that the seas are building a bit. Nothing scary or dangerous at all, but enough waves from a couple of different directions that there is quite a bit of movement on the boat. As well, every once in a while a wave will slam into a hull or into the bridge deck below the main salon. Either of these produces a loud bang, rattling the plates, and waking anyone up who is sleeping.
Dee, luckily, is a very good sleeper. Between her sleep shift and her naps she is getting pretty close to the same number of hours sleep that she would get at home. I sure envy her that! I am a bad sleeper at home, and have even more trouble on the boat. I slept great the first couple of nights, but last night was not so good! I couldn't nap this morning but will try again later on today. Even just a few hours would recharge the batteries and give me the energy that I need to drive the first late shift tonight until 2am.
But, don't get me wrong. It is is pretty good out here and we are having fun. Who can complain about a nice 15 knot beam wind. Even with a reefeed main we are cruising along quite comfortably at 7 knots most of the time. And, between adjusting sails, Dee has been cooking up some great food. Dinner is the only meal that we are both awake for at the same time, so we have made the most of it.
Other than napping, we have had lots of conversations with our dolphin escorts. Sometimes they are a large pack of spottted dolphins, other times they are plain gray. A couple of times a day they will come bounding up from the stern, leaping clear of the water as they catch up to us. Then, they will surround the boat and play for a few minutes before heading off.