"Submit" is "Knot Ready"
16 March 2010 | Redneck Riviera, Pensacola, FL
We arrived one week ago today, after out-smarting the airlines and arriving six hours earlier than expected (thanks for picking us up, Beth). That gave us the evening to spend some time with friends here (Bobbie and Tom had dinner waiting) and get an early start on our projects. The weather has been great-not too hot, rain only at night. Good fortune seems to be our lot. One of my jobs was to inspect the steering, which I did, only to discover that the cable was not good. That means that it needs to be replaced. Reggie had some trouble removing the seized bolts that needed to be removed to remove the cable. Once that was done, we searched for new cable and someone to crimp it, etc. Accomplished today! Tuesday must be our lucky day. I was also to install the new dual fuel filter system, but I couldn't find a place for it. After some discussion, we decided to move the hot water tank to make room for it there. The best place for the hot water tank is where the propane tank locker is. That means move the propane tank locker, which was on the list to do, just not a top priority. Reggie has moved the propane tank locker, just a couple of things to reconnect. He needs to mount and connect the hot water heater. The dual fuel filter system is in, but Reggie did it. While Reggie was working on all of that I thought I would work on installing our cute little "fireplace". That went fairly well (with some "Reggie" assistance) but it didn't line up like we had hoped, so 45 degree elbows are on order. Now if Reggie would just finish with the hot water heater, propane hook-up, exhaust hose...I'd work on my last 'have to do' project! Although, if I am completely honest, almost every time I start a project it requires "Reggie assistance" or I discover a problem. I have managed to cook and do dishes without a hitch, perhaps I should just stick to that!
Today, we sort of took the day off from projects. This was a combination of our 'here for one week' celebration, but also, we really needed more stuff to complete our projects. We did lots of shopping and then lunch at Hemingway's for crab cakes with CA and Betty. I'm still full. It looks like rain tonight. I'm going to lobby for a movie to finish out our day of celebration.
If I stay out of the way and don't do anything more than cook, we may be able to leave the first part of next week (Tuesday might be good). Of course, our perfect weather is forecasted to change by then. That just means we can do more projects. Submit is going to be even more beautiful than she was before!
P.S. We are living in the BSH. Thanks Tom and Bobbie! Living on Submit right now would not be all that great-it looks like a little bit like our garage.