Following a 4 year Cruise in Mexico, the Boren Family is living aboard in Morro Bay, CA for the kids to attend Morro Bay High School. Once that is done....who knows....
We were planning on leaving Santa Rosilia on yesterday to start making our way towards Mazatlan, but when the weather report called for what's known in the Sea of Cortez as a "Norther", we cancelled the departure and decided to wait for calmer weather. The wind started blowing in the mid 20's yesterday at noon and continued through the night gusting into the low 30's. I sure wish I had my new wind generator installed because the wind is continuing to blow today in the low 30s and my battery bank would be fully charged!
This old gal is dancing around at anchorage like a drunken cowgirl in a Texas line dance, but our 100lb Manson anchor is firmly dug into the Santa Rosilia harbor muck and I have little worry about us breaking free and dragging. We have long been believers in oversizing a cruising anchor and we often stare in amazement at some of the tinny anchors we see on some cruising boats. We carried two large anchors on the bow of our Pearson 365 and I was once asked why I had two big anchors on the bow of our boat, I responded, "Because I can't fit three"!
I won't get into the issue of what's the best anchor because there are some topics that even I'm not stupid enough to jump into, but one things for sure, when you are anchored off a lee shore and it's blowing 30kts through the dark cold night, it's very comforting to feel safe and secure staying under the covers rather than camping out in the cockpit with the engine running due to fear of your anchor dragging!
The below video is a little clip of the view from the cockpit of THIRD DAY today during the blow.
The Weather event didn't happen, but at least we got three good nights of sleep in the marina and out of the horribly rolly La Cruz "anchorage". I put anchorage in quotes, because to call this spot an anchorage would be to slander all the other good protected anchorages we have been in through out Mexico. As the Video above shows, we should go buy some heavy cream and put it in a jar on the galley counter and make our own butter! The town itself isn't "that bad" but it doesn't hold a candle to the town of San Blas, Santa Rosilia, Topolobambo, or even the extremely small town in the Bay of Los Angeles. I'm quite sure this was once a GREAT town before the Marina Rivera Nayarit carved out the town's beach. Some of the "real Mexico" town still remains, but don't be at all surprised that if you visit here in 2-3 yrs and it's been replaced with touristville. Some people love La Cruz, and we are very happy for them, but I'm a complete expert on what WE LIKE and La Cruz just isn't it.
The "plan" is to continue our trip South perhaps on Wed or Thursday of this week with our sights Barra Navitadad, in the heart of the "gold cost". We are really hopeful to find real goad, rather than a pile of Fools Gold.
[Editors note: at times like this, a wiser man would keep his mouth shut and not give his honest impressions of La Cruz. However, I'm not a wise man, and without Lori here to edit my posts, I'm free to stick my foot as far down my mouth as it can go! To all of you former and current cruises that Loved and love La Cruz, my view of La Cruz may confirm your suspicions of mental illness. I'm often wrong, but rarely in doubt!]
This morning I took a few images of where we are anchored in the San Blas estuary. You can see why there are bugs here; we are basically anchored in a mangrove swamp. The bugs have decreased significantly over the last few days and are now back to "normal", which is a livable level for what San Blas has to offer.
We have recently had some comments form other cruisers that they don't understand what we see in San Blas, but it would really be a waste of time to explain, honestly. Because sometimes if you have to explain something, the very need of an explanation makes your explanation meaningless, if you know what I mean?
You can also see our newest crew member addition, Cortez, who is growing up fast and doing well having won life's lottery.
The Boren Family: Rich, Lori, Amy, Jason and Cortez the Cat
Admiral: Lori Boren, Master: Jason Boren age 16, 1st Mate: Amy Boren age 17
And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas; and God saw that it was good...... and the evening and the morning were the THIRD [...]