Post for March 2, 2011
05 March 2011
March 2, 2011
The frontal passage last night has brought cooler temperatures and a great deal of rain. The wind today is up to 25kts and few boats are moving. As we were making our way back to Marsh Harbor yesterday we noticed a large catamaran in the distance. It was flying a full main and a spinnaker on a broad reach. I would be the 25 knots gave them one heck of a ride. We have an asymmetrical spinnaker aboard that occupies more than a quarter of the guest cabin and have flown it only one time. Maybe we will drag it out on a calmer day and see how it looks. We have hauled it around for over a year. It might be time to let it work some.
The dink was half full of water this morning so maybe the salt in the rigging is gone. We slept well since we came back to the marina and tied up but it is always fun to anchor out. This is particularly true if it is in some remote place in the lee. Crowded anchorages or moorings and especially in the harbors do not have the ultra clear water of some remote cay. That said, you can still see the bottom ten feet below.
Having spent all these months on a moving boat, we have noticed that we walk strangely on land. It is not unusual, particularly on uneven surfaces to stumble often. Standing still on land can be a challenge. Look at a group of older sailors and you will see bobbing and weaving going on. Add a sore joint to the equation and the games begin. Of course it can be disguised by walking near fixed objects where one can grab something before the lurch.