Sandy H Minus One
28 October 2012
lively and getting colder
10/28/2012 11:20 AM
So far today, we have seen wind gusts to 30 knots but the harbor water state is not too bad, meaning we are still comfortable aboard. Our home port waters on a normal day are more lively than this is right now. Scurv is about to get ear cramps twitching his ears to listen to all the noise. The barometric pressure has dropped from 1002 to 992 since yesterday. So far, we have not had much rain. Of course we expect that to change by late afternoon. Much is mentioned about “life threatening storm surge”. We are far enough up the Bay that we may see only a foot or two above high tide. However; that means the water will be over the dock walk and that means we will not have shore power. To that issue, we have a nice generator aboard should we choose to use it. Frankly, we could use some time without electronics of the TV type. Anyone tired of the political stuff? The bottom line is that although we are tied in a slip, we will go on internal power and pretend we are anchored. That means we have the supplies to make this event a challenge and some great fodder for story telling afterward.